Casino Royale - Poker Chips -

poker chips diameter

poker chips diameter - win

Casino trio


HP: 3800

Attack (1.6 sec reload, 7 tile range, 4 tile diameter): All in- Cassie throws a poker chip on the ground, dealing 1300 damage in an area once and leaving it on the ground, the poker chip will not do anything and brawlers and projectiles can go though.
Each poker chip lasts for 5 secs on the ground and a maximum of 5 can appear in the map at once.

Super (3 hits): Winning color- Cassie explodes all chips on the ground after a 1 sec delay, dealing 1200 damage in a 4 tile diameter.

- No more bets: Cassie knocks all enemies away from her by 3 tiles in a 5 tile diameter after using super.
- Sore loser: Enemies hit by her super's explosion loses 1 ammo, cannot stack.

- Sweep away: Cassie removes all active chips and then gives her a 1.6 ammo for each chip destroyed. Has 3 uses

Cassie owns a popular casino, she owns all of the games but is always managing the roulette wheel, she always laughs when people accuse her for being a cheater but not when people make fun of her height.


HP: 5000

Attack (2 sec reload, 8 tile range): Distribute- Cooper throws 3 cards clockwise in a 24* angle similar to bo's attack pattern, each dealing 440 damage on contact and doesn't pierce.
Enemies hit gets an effect where if the enemy hit has taken 5 cards, cooper gains 0.5 ammo. The card stack effect lasts for 10 secs, after which will remove all cards if it hasn't triggered during the effect.

Super (3 ammos worth): Shuffle- Cooper removes all of his ammo and after a 1 sec delay, converts all removed ammo to a 5% shield that lasts for 5 secs each ammo removed and refills the ammo bar to full. The shield can stack for up to a maximum of 30% and getting another stack resets the duration.

- Three of a kind: After using shuffle, cooper's next attack heals 300 HP per card
- Wild card: After using shuffle, cooper's next 2 attacks gets a 4th card.

- Calculated gambit: Deal 1700 damage to yourself then soon activate shuffle, the shield given per ammo is doubled. Has 3 uses

Cooper is a card dealer in cassie's casino, he likes to shuffle the cards to favor the brawlers that he thinks he likes, which is mostly him, but he's not the one playing except when it's in battle.


HP: 5100

Attack (1.6 sec reload, 9 tile range): Slot machine- Steven fires 3 projectiles from his slot machine, each dealing 420 damage.
If steven tries to fire with 0 ammo, he will deal 20% of his max HP as damage to himself to convert into an attack, he cannot do this if he's at or less than 20% of his current HP.

Super (4 ammos worth, 8 tile range): Spare change?- Steven fires a projectile that cuts the first enemy hit by it by half of their HP, if the enemy hit has or less than 50% of their HP, the target will just take 1200 damage.

- Jackpot: Steven's fire rate/ unload gets faster if his HP is or less than half.
- Pocket change: Steven's super heals him 1200 HP

- Lucky sevens: Steven removes 1 ammo or 20% of his HP if he has no ammo, after a 0.8 sec delay, grants himself a 50% shield that lasts for 2 secs. Has 3 uses

Steven loves playing the slot machines, he is cassie's number one customer and would steal other people's coins behind people's back to feed the slot machine, but he promises that if he wins he will pay them back, which is most likely never.
submitted by Iranoutofname5 to u/Iranoutofname5 [link] [comments]

Simple Amiibo Coin Template - Download in Comments w/ Instructions! (Animal Crossing)

Simple Amiibo Coin Template - Download in Comments w/ Instructions! (Animal Crossing) submitted by PlsBeNice2MyDog to Amiibomb [link] [comments]

Day 5: Protection Part 2- Ground, Center, Protect (plus talisman)

Today we'll cover Grounding, Centering, and Casting Protection in part 1. For part 2, we'll make a protective talisman. For the talisman, any item you can wear or hold will work. (I will be using one of grandmother's thimbles. She had quite a collection.)
Grounding and centering are often used together or interchangeably and are often presented as given parts of a spell. When I talk about them today I will refer to them as distinct and separate things.
Lets start with grounding. There are a few ideas behind why grounding works and when to do it.
Grounding before a spell can assist in protecting your own energy by allowing you to be a conduit. Calling on energy from the elements, your ancestors, the fae, deities, etc. can be a lot for your body and mind to handle. Grounding yourself allows you to direct the energy without trying to store that energy inside of yourself. It flows through you and goes where you need it to go. It can allow you to push the excess energy out and away without having to send it somewhere specific. If it goes into the ground, it quickly becomes inert. If you have an affinity with another element, you can try using that element instead, or something solid that represents that element. You can use your talisman, if you choose to create one.
It is common to use the actual ground for this. You don't have to go barefoot, but I think it helps reinforce the connection to go barefoot on dirt or grass, but tile, hardwood, or carpet is fine too. If you can't take your shoes off- that's fine. If you want to sprawl out and connect your whole body to the ground- go for it. Since the ground is always there, it's the easiest thing to use. Imagine the excess energy flowing through you, then force it out through your feet into the ground and away from you where it can't bounce around inside of you and wreak havoc.
It's also common to use something from the ground (earth) such as a certain crystal or rock or a bowl of dirt. Again, it doesn't HAVE to be earth related to work, but there should be a physical component to it. I sometimes use something that comes from or represents a loved one, something that I've made, or a notebook/pen. If you go this route, focus completely on that object, almost (or actually) to the exclusion of everything else. Really feel it. Let the leftover energy dissipate while you focus on calming yourself and getting in control of yourself.
Another simple method of grounding is common for people with anxiety. You can do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or any meaningful number. Go through your senses and find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. This method is especially useful for coming back (I think of it as making a landing) after astral projection.
There are many more ways to ground, but these are 3 of my favorites.
Centering is the act of getting yourself ready to direct the energy you will use. On day 2 when we wrote the full moon spell, I made a recommendation to do something that energizes, fuels, or relaxes you. This is the basics of centering. You can also think of it as "getting your vibe right." It's making sure that you are going into the spell with a clear mind and clear intentions. If you are centered, it will be easier to summon and direct energy.
There is no real right and wrong way to center yourself. It's simply getting yourself to the appropriate mindset. For me, dancing, knitting, doing something mindfully all help with this. The grounding techniques can also (or instead) be a centering technique. Meditation can be centering.
Your altar may be what centers you, or calling the corners, casting a circle, lighting a candle, whatever gets you in the magical mood and focused.
Before we move on to protection, I want to make a note about visualization. If you're like me and you don't SEE things in your mind- that's okay. If you have trouble with conjuring up images, it's okay to just tell yourself what is there and what's happening. If you put a cup on the table and turn away from it, you can KNOW that it's there without any sensory feedback from it. You may have to work on just knowing that the thing is there, even if you don't see it. In 20+ years of practicing, I still can't visualize (honestly I might have some level of aphantasia, I didn't know that people actually see things in their minds until I was like 30 years old.) If it doesn't come easily, don't worry, just continue with your intent and get yourself to the state of knowing it is there.
Protection should be specific, at least in the beginning. You will direct some of that energy to do a job. Like my analogy on day 2, you don't typically wear armor to the grocery store. Protection is not always necessary. It will not hurt you to cast protection every time you cast a spell. It will also not hurt you every time you forget or choose not to. The more practiced you are at protection, the more effective you will be and it may become something that you do without serious (or any) effort. Like the boxing analogy from yesterday, it may just happen intuitively when you need it. If you've ever seen a Christian or Catholic reflexively cross themselves, or even the acting of clutching one's pearls (which reminds me of grabbing a protective amulet or crucifix) that's a way of reflexively casting protection. You might even have a protective sigil that you draw in the air or a protective amulet you touch.
One simple and popular way to call protection is to visualize something like a robe, cape, or armor. It can be any color that symbolizes protection to you. Let your intuition decide and then look up the correspondences later. Ground and center yourself. Pull some energy from around you and give the garment some real shape and purpose. What is it meant to protect you FROM, exactly? Being too vague may have unwanted side effects. The most blatant example would be during an attraction spell. You may be thinking that you don't want to get hurt, but pain is part of a healthy relationship, romantic or otherwise. There will always be little hurts and disappointments that happen. Asking for protection from any pain may protect you from new people (or existing ones.) That attraction spell will not be effective in that case. Same with a job or money spell. You may be unintentionally preventing yourself from getting a job where something about it is not ideal, and therefore seen as a threat. (Like an annoying coworker.)
It's not so much that the universe, your deity, your inner self, or whatever is messing with you, as it is that you cannot have a successful spell without a solid goal. This includes protection spells. At this point in my practice, I don't have to be so specific. I have over 20 years casting protection in the same couple of ways. I know and the universe knows what I want to let in and what I don't and when. Some people start with a clear knowing of what "protection" means and some struggle with it for a while. Looking into your values on Day 7 should help with this.
When you are grounded, centered, and have an idea of what your armor should protect you from- put it on. You do not have to continue to visualize it the whole time you are casting your spell, but do remember to take it off when your spell is over. You can connect this type of protection to a physical object (such as an actual cloak, or a piece of jewelry that you physically wear along with the magical armor.
Another method is to cast a circle. You can use a wand if you have one, or any pointy object, or your finger, or do some superhero laser beam vision to draw a circle around yourself. As you do, visualize light coming up like a force field to protect you. (Again, let your intuition choose, look up the meaning later.) Let the universe and everything in it know that nothing with intention or purpose that does not align with your own cannot pass into the space, and if anything fitting that description was already there, it needs to leave immediately. When you are done you can trace the circle backward, or cut it open with your wand, or break it by walking out of it. If your visualization skills are weak, you can make a circle with salt, herbs, crystals, or whatever else you like.
Remember to send the excess energy away from you.
Your assignment is to try it out. These are only two of a great many ways to protect yourself magically. Adapt them as needed to suit your own life and needs and feel free to try any others or create your own. If you don't often cast protection, add it to your daily practice for the month. Aim for once a day, ground, center, and call/cast protection. Then end it. It should not be significantly draining or kept up for very long. Be careful not to use your own energy to maintain the protection. It should not take effort to keep the protection active, especially for the few moments you should be practicing.
Today's part 2 is to create a protective talisman. You should have an item that is fairly small and easy to wear or carry. Don't worry about cleansing it for now. Do avoid using anything that feels full of maliciously bad energy, but other than that, a little bit of bad vibes isn't a problem. Depending on your skill level, it could be more harmful trying to pull bad vibes out. (Like sucking on a snakebite with your mouth. You might get some venom out, but it's going in your mouth and that's not actually better...) Instead of trying to pull out any bad vibes, we are going to replace them with our intent. (Think of it as a cup of soda. If we add water, it may not look very different, but if we keep adding water, it will eventually be full of water. The soda will fall on the ground and soak into the earth, like all excess energy.)
You also need to have a clear intention. Will you carry this with you? Will you use it for spellwork only? What do you want to keep away and what do you want to allow? Think of this as setting your filter.
For a spellwork specific talisman, you can ask it to only allow energy that aligns with yours. For everyday protection, you can ask it to keep away malicious energy, or to give your intuition a boost, or to bring you calm when you need it. The options are endless. I recommend going with something specific, positive, and somewhat mild. "Protect me" is not going to work. It may end up bringing you a rash of what looks like bad luck.
Not everyone has that kind of experience, but some do. "Protect me" might get you a broken down car (to keep you home,) lose you a job (to protect from a potentially uncool coworker.) With practice, "protect me" WILL be specific enough. Context and intuition will be enough to focus your intent. For right now, though, spend a little bit of time thinking about it. Think about "who, what, where, when, why, and how."
Mine will be specific to communicating with my guide/s, something I'm fairly new at. I want to be protected from fake guides. I recently did a ritual to meet a guide, and they have kind of a mimic thing going on, so "fakes" would probably filter my guide out.
Who: me (protected), my true guide/s (allowed), and draw on the energy of my ancestors (connected to the object- one bought it for another.)
What: thimble (object)
Where: within a bubble of about 6 feet in diameter. (A little larger than my height, smaller than most rooms I would practice in.)
When: When I hold it or place it beside me to communicate with spirits and otherworldly entities.
Why: I would like to grow the relationship between myself and this guide.
How: I want the thimble to call up kind of a tent around me, made from something like spiritual spiderwebs, using the energy of my ancestors to create an environment around me where only the invited are able to pass through, so I can be vulnerable in that space and let growth happen more quickly. (The specific ancestors were really family-oriented and amazingly supportive of their descendants choices, particularly skilled at creating and maintaining a useful network, fiercely protective when called on (in life) and generally amazing for a lot of reasons that really fit this goal.)
Here's another example, this one is a poker chip to protect against bad financial decisions:
Who: Only me (it will have no effect for others who carry it.)
What: An old poker chip.
Where/when: Wherever I bring it/inside my own mind, mostly. When it's on my person and I have a financial decision to make.
Why: I tend to overthink decisions or be talked into going along with someone else's desire.
How: I want it to shield me from the influence and desires of others so my own intuition, logic, and reason will be the only thing to guide my choices.
Another option would be to provide extra protection at the end of a spell and to help ground or center you. You can focus on the physical item while it takes the burden of protecting you as you shed your excess energy and temporary protection.
The point is to be as specific as possible. This isn't a hex or a jinx, so don't target any specific person with it. If you don't have anything quite that specific, think of it as one of those stakes for a sapling. You are going to grow very fast and may need some extra support. This talisman will be that extra support as you grow and probably get blown around during this journey to being a strong, deeply rooted witch.
When you have your item and your intent, it's time to ground, center and protect.
You can use visualization, sound, or a combination of the two to start pushing your intent into the object. Sound can be in the form of words, song, music, or tone. Do what feels right, and look it up later. If you want to light a candle or something to make it more ritualistic, keep it small this time. This item will have your back, be nice and treat it well. More like a friend than royalty. Don't be overly formal.
When you are done, release excess energy and remove your protection.
Do it again somewhat regularly. As you start out that might mean anything from daily to once a month or once a year. Just affirm the purpose and use it for that purpose. As you use it and it becomes more honed to your intention it will not be necessary to maintain it as often.
That's 5 days down and we've already done a lot!
So today, tell me (as much as you're comfortable with)
  1. How is meditation going?
  2. How is your BoS growing?
  3. How did protection practice go? What method did you try and how did you like it?
  4. Did you make a talisman? If you're comfortable, share your experience.
Tomorrow I will talk about the essential tools every witch needs, and the ones you may think you need. I'm sure you already know what I'm going to say about the necessities, but I'll also talk about different types of altars, the challenges of sharing them on social media, and tell you a bit about the evolution of my own. See you then!!

All information presented is copyrighted material, you may not reproduce any part in any way except as permitted by US Copyright law. For info about reproduction permission, DM me.
My current goal is to turn this into a book, and perhaps repeat this type of "course" in the future. I truly believe there is no cost of admission to witchcraft and I will never ask you to buy anything (from me or otherwise.)
If you would like and are comfortably able to leave a tip, I do have CashApp, Venmo, and Paypal. (Starving artist is a lifestyle choice, but not-starving artist is great too. And no, I'm not actually starving, but I am looking at paying some money to get this project turned into a book and I've got my eye on this tarot deck...)
submitted by Alarming-Biscotti to 30daywitch [link] [comments]

Two Pair, set one month after Going Hunting

Yeah I went really Western on this one and I'd imagine a lot of people reading this will guess the little twist at the end but it was too perfect to pass up. I enjoyed writing this one, it's short but sweet.
Two Pair, Five Card Stud, a smoky saloon on a backwater mining world, and wounds from a winged beast that still stung when he moved wrong.
Two Pair, that was the hand that John Blake had. It was also the number of arms that the Karna sitting across from him had. Nothing about this was good. The Karna was drunk but somehow his canid like frame never swayed he was agile as ever. Now normally this wouldn't have been a problem but the Karna sitting across from Blake had been hemorrhaging chips all night and arrogance had made the 4 armed wolf-like humanoid think Blake was cheating.
Two Pair, that was what made the Karna such feared gunslingers, some human gunslingers carried two pistols though Blake favored one and used a long gun when appropriate. Blake had laughed at stories told late at night when the wind whipped through saloon doors of Karna Gunslingers that could tear through a whole town of gunmen but now staring down 500 pounds of angry Karna he could almost imagine it.
Two Pair, that was the number of pistols that the Karna drew on Blake. There's a saying in poker, You don't play the hand, you play the opponent. It didn't matter that the Karna drew first, Blake was better, he drew and fired just as the Karna cleared leather. A inch in diameter hole leaking blood and brains onto the table.
Two pair was the poker hand that John Blake left on the table as he walked out of the Saloon counting his money and aching from a month old wound.
Two Pair, Aces over Eights.
submitted by whoisme867 to HFY [link] [comments]


Time passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer ... and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn... until we decided that it was the proper time to host a housewarming party for all our new friends and colleagues here in Russia.
But first, I had to take several relatively short trips to Western and Eastern Siberia. To Kazakhstan, to Uzbekistan, to Kalmykia, to Dagestan, to Chechnya, to Ukraine, to Georgia, to Latvia, to Lithuania, to Tajikistan, to Estonia…didn’t get a lick of work done for my company, but sure met one hell of a lot of folks and got info on many, many different projects.
It was basically ‘pump-priming’, or ‘testing the waters’, or whatever the hell you want to call making initial contacts, spending huge amounts of company money on flights and ‘entertainment’ expenses. As well as meeting people from well over 1.6 million different countries.
I had a most burgeoning Rolodex, not Rolex, as if anyone here would remember those things. I carried a brick-like satellite phone which was monstrously expensive so I used it as much as possible. Had binders full of business cards and I had more visas for more different countries…strange thing, though. With my red Diplomatic Passport, I could sail right through the vast majority of border control points. I guess they were still jittery after the not-so-amicable breakup and were loath to cause any ‘Diplomat’ any grief.
I got away with such shit those days.
Smuggling? “Of course not! I’m a Diplomat!”
Are those rocks of any value? “Of course not! I’m an international geologist and those are but shiny, faceted, green, blue, and red crystalline hand samples!”
Are three cases of vodka really just for ‘personal use’? “Of course not! You’re right. Let me get another one to stuff into the Diplomatic Pouch.”
So, one bright spring day over bilberry-jammed blinis and freshly Samovared-coffee, Esme and I decided that since the kids had such good friends in the complex, we’d farm them out on one Friday night. Then we’d throw a house-warming party for all our new Muscovian friends.
The party was to include several of my Siberian friends and some actual real Muscovites; who we had to strangely invite via registered letter so they could be allowed entrance to our compound.
That was one of the things I didn’t care for in compound living. But, that’s the way it was; and nothing I could do, even grouse about the rules, would change anything.
Esme had invited her entire American Women’s Club, which was composed of North and South American women. They would be bringing their husbands.
We made it sort of clear that this was an adult’s night out. As much as we loved their little ankle-biters, carpet-crawlers, and curtain-climbers; they all needed to take this one as a time out.
It was parent time in the Motherland. I already had ordered up 3 half-barrels of beer and an equal number of cases of vodka. This was not a time for puberty, it was time for adultery.
No, wait. That’s didn’t come out right…it was parent time. A time for parents...
To socialize. To get to know each other. To eat, drink, and act like a bunch of goofy teenagers.
You get a general idea.
Anyways, there were going to be Russians, Siberians; and yes, there is a difference, Czechs, Brazilians, Scots, Americans, Canadians, Dutch, Brits, Australians, Moldovans, Chinese, Nepalese, several from various Stans, Botswanans, Danes, South Africans…ah, hell, there were going to be a lot of the globe represented.
All united by the common threads of bar-be-que, free beer, and ample smokeables.
Luckily, it was fairly equable outside, weather-wise, and we were in-between the seasons of the Spring *Rasputitsa *, or mud season, and the early summer thunderstorms. I had arranged for several large tarps on poles to be erected over the front dais of the house and even more in the back yard.
The back yard would hold all the troughs full of ice, beer, and soft drinks. There would be a separate one for the vodka, cognac, and sweet girly champagne that the local women seemed to really enjoy. These tarps also covered the bar-be-que grills I had made to order a few months previously.
One of the oilfield service companies took some 8 foot-long sections of 42” line pipe, sandblasted them and sawed them in half lengthwise. They were hinged together in back and handles were welded front and back for transport. Set on four stout pipe legs, interior racks were repurposed from some Russian appliances of one sort or another. The ends were welded shut with caps and suddenly, there were a couple of very Texas-sized bar-be-que grills in my backyard.
The company had stuffed the grills into their industrial autoclave and heated the things to 2 or 3 million degrees C. to burn off all the nasty oilfield schmoo. While they were still warm, they were powder coated with electronegative paint, and re-kilned. The result was the grills and racks were surgically clean and coated in a blast-furnace-heat resistant covering of melted porcelain-like glass.
One was red, of course, and one was blue. They were works of art and are still with the service company that created them as I willed them to the company when we left some years later.
Now, bar-be-que and outdoor grilling might be as dull as dishwater to us Norteamericanos, but it was absolutely thrilling for most of our new friends. Many knew of cooking over an open fire, but only during camping, hunting, fishing, or times of natural calamity.
To cook outdoors when it wasn’t really required? Such Western decadence. This was all something thrillingly new and potentially dangerous.
I had arranged for some charcoal to be flown in from Finland, as the stuff available locally just couldn’t cut the mustard, so to speak. It was more loamy and peaty than charcoal-y. The Finnish stuff was as hard as anthracitic coal.
We were going to grill up a half-side of cow, several small suckling pigs, a load of pike-type fish, and just because, a couple of locally sourced briskets, some ‘gamburgers’ and hot dogs.
Just because it was a barbeque. Of epic proportions. Of Rocknocker-esque proportions.
Esme tried several times to reign me in, but after the truck showed up with an entire side of beef, she realized it was a lost cause.
“Rock”, she cooed to me as I tried to stuff the side of beef into our tiny kitchen, “I knew that sooner or later, you’d twist off. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately and I guess it’s finally arrived. I just want to let you know, I love you greatly and if I should disappear, I wouldn’t have gone far. I just don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.”
“What’s that, m’dear?” I asked while I tore the kitchen apart looking for the Old Bay spice and Dave’s Insanity sauce we smuggled in on our last trip.
“Oh. Nothing, dear.” Es smiled, “Go nuts. But please, be careful.”
“Oh, sure. Yeah. No worries.”, I smiled as I found that ceremonial Gurkha knife, “This will work a treat in cutting up the beef once it’s done.” as I swung the massive thing around like Darth Vader confronting a Rebel contingent.
“Kids”, Es called, “Isn’t it time to go to your friend’s house?”
This all started on a Tuesday afternoon. Es and I had to prepare the menu and then I’d get after what needed getting after.
Besides a half-side of beef on the bar-be-que, as I mentioned, we’d have some stuffed and grilled pike, hot dogs, ‘gamburgers’, a few suckling pigs, a couple of big, meaty briskets, currently corning in the kitchen, and maybe some form of poultry or two.
It’s a meat-heavy menu for a meat-heavy diet round these parts.
I took care of the beer, vodka, champagne, cognac, and gin, well, there’s were going to be some Brits in attendance, soft-drink mixers, and ridiculously expensive citrus fruits. I had the country store on-site crank up their ice machine and had standing orders for all the excess ice they could produce over the next few days.
Roger, my Texan neighbor, confidant, and mechanical engineer buddy who kept to a work schedule which closely mimicked mine, decided he couldn’t let this hapless Baja Canadian handle these whole two grills on his own.
Truth be told, Roger was a major help in fabricating the necessary rotisseries and pipework to spin the pigs and side of beef above the fire. He was keen and adept at drawing things up on paper, but pretty worthless in translating them from two to three dimensions.
That’s where my adroitness and past experiences with a pipe cutter and welding torch, again, ‘borrowed’ from the oilfield service company, along with their pipe-rack truck, came into its own. He designed, we both cut the appropriate metal, and I metal-glued them in place.
Roger ‘located’ a couple of large electrical motors, one capable of turning the 300 pounds of cow on the one spit and one efficient in handling the ‘pig basket’ of about 250 pounds of young piglet that was going to be prepared. Each was several dozen horsepower in displacement and heavy as a motherfucker. They stood alone on the ground, while Roger fabricobbled up a drive-train system and electrical controls for each.
What began as a simple ‘C’mon over for a back yard bar-be-que’ had turned into something of which NASA would have been proud.
Picture this: 2 eight-foot-long, 42” diameter pipe grills, one gleaming red, one shining blue, with a Rube Goldberg set of pipe contraption A-frames making a pair of rotisseries; one driven by a 30HP 3-phase electric motor, the other by one only churning out 20 HP. There was a separate control tower Roger ginned up which contained the start-stop switches and rheostats which controlled the rotation of the beeve and baconators.
With all that, we still had room for four stuffed pike, each at least a meter in length, my briskets, a few butterflied chickens, hot dogs and ‘gamburgers’.
“Nothing succeeds like excess”, I said to Roger as I toasted him with the second or eighth beer of the morning.
He agreed with me and stole yet another cigar.
The beef was turning slowly over a low fire of finest Finnish hardwood. This was calculated to take at least 2.5 days to complete. The suckling pigs I’d start the next morning. If all went to plan, we’d have everything ready for dinner by 1700 that Friday.
Well, the meat’s taken care of, as were the drinks.
Esme and Linda, Roger’s wife, grabbed Valosh and made a trek into downtown to Stockman’s Pantry for some typically American repasts.
Cans of baked beans, fresh lettuce, rocket, radicchio, romaine, and other salad-y makings. Several varieties of fresh fruit, Emmenthal cheese and melting Dutch chocolate for the fondues that Es set up every single time we had a gathering.
It was a tradition.
We’d source much of the remainder of the party munchies locally. There was a bakery just around the corner of the compound and after buying our bread there for months, we got to know the proprietors quite well. We explained the concept of the “tortilla chip” and damn if they didn’t create a very passable Russian version.
We created our own flavorings for dusting over them, and I think we were the absolute first to come out with a caviar-flavored chip. Potato chips were easy enough to make, as were soft tortillas, but we were coming up shy on dips.
Substituting unflavored Greek yogurt for the more usual labneh back in the Middle East, I converted some of our imported biryani masala, lamb masala, curry mix, and other Middle Eastern spices into chip dips.
You haven’t lived until you’ve had Red Caviar flavored Russian tortilla chips with a healthy dollop of garam Masala and yogurt dip.
As Emmanuel from Argentina sniffingly said: “It’s a brilliant antihistamine.”
I contracted with a batch of local school-aged kids to pick fresh mushrooms for the party.
Russians are just crazy over mushrooms. However, as we were to find out, they will only eat them cooked; having them raw for dipping or in salads really gave them pause.
Ah, just another twist on the usual house warming party.
The cow continued cooking, the porks were happily spinning along in their private horizontal merry-go-round and the Finnish cooking wood was holding out well. The smells emanating from our corner of the compound had many, many people wandering over wondering who was opening the restaurant.
Thursday slid into Friday. I took the car and made a mad dash for the Mitino Ramstore to replenish our butter, paprika and vodka stocks. Seems all those Russian bottles had holes in them…
I was actually using a good supply of the stuff in cooking. Take a cup or so of good vodka, taste-test it, just in case, restore to proper measure and heat it gently as to not incinerate your eyebrows. Add a cup or so of berries, and a cup of sugar, and a smidge of molasses. Heat until just right. Repeat until you have enough drunken berries to fill a pie crust; graham cracker or otherwise.
You can freeze this and serve it with whipped cream frozen or bake it until the berries bubble; then you can serve it with ice cream.
I made homemade ice cream as well for the evening’s festivities. To a standard vanilla base of sugar, egg yolks, and hot heavy crème, you whip this stuff until it can’t take it any longer and it goes all custardy. Then you add your flavorings and churn the hell out of it over rock salt and ice.
Mint chocolate chip with Cornish crème de menthe.
Rum raisin with Jamaican dark RUM.
Watermelon ice and spirit. Spirt is homemade Siberian rocket fuel. Pretty close to 200 proof as one can get.
Rocky road with pecans, marshmallows, caramel, chocolate truffle, and Napoleon cognac.
Bourbon vanilla with fresh Madagascar vanilla-bean vanilla.
“You can’t get booze to freeze in ice cream!” I hear some wag yell.
“You can if you freeze the stuff with liquid nitrogen!” I yell back.
I have access to all sorts of fun, sciency stuff. Liquid nitrogen is as much a cooking staple as is liquid oxygen.
We’ll save the Great Grill Meltdown story of 2002 for a later date.
Friday morning, as I was out tending the grills, several of Esme’s friends from the compound showed up to help set up for the evening’s festivities.
“Great”, I thought, “They’re in there, I’m out here with the vodka and beer. All is right with the world.”
There was a flurry of activity as each of Esme’s friends busied themselves with a different portion of the party. One was handling the desserts, one was preparing the salads, one was setting out the plates, cups (first time for red Solo Cozy Cups in Russia), and silverware. It was going to be a very informal sort of party, but evidently, there was a certain protocol to follow.
Flowers appeared from the Babushka Mafia; where we had a standing order. A huge centerpiece filled what seemed half the dining room table. A fire was started in the fireplace.
Me? I just stayed out of their way.
Esme started up her fondue pots; ones we’ve had since day one of our marriage. Into one went a four-cheese mixture of Emmenthal, edam, cheddar, and brie cheese, along with some light white wine. Into the other pot went a kilo or so of melting chocolate, imported from the Netherlands or other European someplace. Some very expensive, 45-year-old cognac went into that pot to facilitate meltage. There was some nutmeg, cinnamon, saffron, and other spices as well.
Potato salads were made and brought out, covered under chilled cheesecloths as the fridge was hopelessly full at this point. Green salads were made, with and without locally-produced mushrooms. The whole table groaned after a fairly short time from it’s covering of fruits, breads, beans, salsas, salads, and other party fares.
The ice creams I had made were up at the country store near the entrance to the compound, We had no room and they graciously ‘rented’ out some of their freezer space. All it cost were a few rubles and a couple of quarts of ice cream.
The horse troughs out back were stocked with kegs of beer, tappers, and bottles of booze, all on ice. There was one smaller trough full of Russian soft drinks, juices, fizzy and still waters, and other things that would probably stave off if not prevent total alcohol poisoning.
Olga, our house girl, insisted on stuffing and preparing the pike for the grill. She was a wonder. She was teaching the girls, and truth be told, Es and I, Russian and Ukrainian. She insisted on making dinner anytime Es or I wandered into the kitchen looking for a sandwich and generally made us feel like some sort of privileged class. We didn’t want that at all and went out of our way to make certain we treated her like family.
She was scrupulously honest, and when we included 250 extra rubles for her first week since all the extra work she took upon herself; she actually chewed us out for being too “credulous”.
“People will take advantage.”, she scolded, “I agree to weekly pay, no more. I will not make you more naïve.”
I finally got her to take it for payment for the language lessons.
She was a real polymath. She helped the girls with homework, ran interference with any local entanglements, and could cook like there was no tomorrow. She was a peach, pure and simple.
Plus, she liked my cigars and loved cognac.
We got on like a house afire.
She also knew her way around a fish. She had those four-meter long critters gutted, scaled, stuffed and trussed as good as any Michelin starred chef in any international seafood house.
They went on the grill, just to the south of my briskets. The chickens would only take a couple of hours over this low and slow heat and the aromas of them comingled with the other proteins were intoxicating.
Or it might have been the potato juice and beer marinades I was using for the various bits of animal carcass.
Vodka, melted butter, smoked Himalayan salt, and smoked Hungarian paprika was brushed liberally over the butterflied chickens. Many times during their grilling tenure.
Beer, a tomato reduction sauce, molasses, maple syrup, and cognac graced our rapidly caramelizing roasted piglets.
Bourbon, coffee, treacle, and a few secret ingredients made up the sauce for the beef. It went on every 100 or so turns.
The brisket and pike were left alone, except for some fish masala for the pikes and Old Bay mixture for the briskets. The grill was closed on these and they were allowed to continue more or less unmolested.
The day drew along and it was soon noon. The house was decked out very festively. The girls were going directly over to the neighbor’s after school so it was now T-5 hours to party time. But with all our help, there’s wasn’t much to do. It was all pretty much done.
Roger assured me he’d stop over at the country store and pick up the pies, ice cream and extra ice in our amassed coolers when he returned from work, around 1500 hours. So that was taken care of.
Esme decided she wanted a shower and nap before the evening’s frivolities, and since everything had already been done I couldn’t agree more. We kissed and smiled at our good fortune and taste in friends and neighbors, as she headed upstairs for a bit of kip.
The cow was turning, the pigs were spinning, the pike and briskets were smoking and I decided to grab a lawn chair, fire up a cigar and sit out back enjoying the warmish afternoon in northwestern Moscow. Oh, sure; I nodded off a few times, but made certain my charges were well looked after. Be silly to get this far and have things go south.
Roger showed up around 1600 hours and I helped him move all the coolers into the garage, as there just wasn’t room in the house nor kitchen, it was that stuffed with party favors. The meat was approaching that point where it was done to if you’ll pardon the expression, a turn.
Roger sampled a piece of the spinny cow and declared it good enough for a Texas rodeo.
High praise indeed.
He left and would return with Linda in perhaps an hour.
I went to wake Es and got her in the shower with a cup of coffee. I decided to forego the shower and helped myself to another pre-party cocktail.
5:00 PM arrived and our guests…did not.
Roger and Linda, our only North American invitees showed up around 1730.
Es, myself, Roger and Linda sat around chatting and nibbling, wondering where the hell everyone else was. I even motored up to the gate to see if the officious guards were giving any of my local invitees any grief and thus holding them up.
No. They hadn’t shown up as of yet.
Back to the house, and now, I’ve dealt with the Arabic version of showing up for a meeting, party, or operation. These characters will be late for their own autopsy. I thought punctuality was more prized in the European community.
I fiddled around with the grills and turned everything to ‘warm’. I was, truth be told, a bit miffed at all this. I had spent a fair fortune on feeding these characters, you would think…
At that precise moment, the doors burst open. The crowds had arrived. All a bit ‘fashionably late’, but with their gird on and ready to party. There was no mention of their unpunctuality, but huge bear hugs, back slaps, and depositions of house warming gifts, all bottles of some form or another of alcohol, typically rare and reflecting the origin of the giver.
The party went from absolute silence to incredible raucousness in nothing flat. I still had to man the grills, so I dragooned Roger into being the ad hoc bartender. Esme and Linda were showing folks around the place, making the perfunctory tour before the inevitable feeding and drinking. Roger was busier than a one-handed paperhanger in a windstorm. I helped out best I could by tapping the kegs and passing around the Solo Cozy cups, which made a huge hit among the Western and Eastern Europeans.
Of course, the stereo was cranked up. Between Esme’s classical music and my 60s and 70s rock collections, the place began vibrating. Luckily, we had the forethought to invite the neighbors who lived immediately adjacent to us.
After the initial drinks were disbursed, it was time for the first rounds of nibbly bits. Being in Russia, one simply cannot have a drink without a nosh. Esme’s fondues were incredible hits. Since fondue is a Scandinavian invention, we figured it’d be more well known here. Evidently not as several folks had to be given instructions as to how to build a cheesy or chocolatey snack.
The dips, crudités, amuse bouche, and chips went over very well. We had people from Africa, Asia, Europe, both Americas, Australia and other ports of call not yet mapped. Everyone had their story of foods back home that mimicked our offerings. It was most entertaining to hear stories of the braai, pit roast, chuanr, yakitori, satay, khorkhog, tandoor, and the like.
But it was the whole, well, a half grilled cow that boinged everyone’s eyes. The whole suckling pigs, smoked stuffed pike, briskets, and chickens also got their share of gapes. I had some hamburgers and hot dogs in case anyone was about to go hungry.
Over more rounds of drinks, I announced that I’d be carving up the meat and setting it out, for everyone to help themselves.
Olga shouldered her way through the crowd with my Gurkha knife and a couple of large platters. First off were two of the whole smoked and stuffed pike. These were attacked with abandon, much to Esme’s alarm as people missed the salads and zeroed in straight on the protein.
Olga sorted them all out by pointing out proper party protocol and for people to take notice of the assortment of bread, salads, Jellos, and fresh fruits provided to accompany the meals.
Properly chastised, some sense of party decorum returned as the beer continued to flow, the empty vodka bottles stacked up and my cigar humidors went, for the time being, unnoticed.
I carved off great, bleeding hunks of cow. It was so tender I could have butchered the thing with a pleasant remark. Some were blue, some were medium and some, down the way along the beast, we well done. I carved up huge hunks of each for all to take that which they would please.
The chickens came off the grill next, and after a few deft knife swipes, were deboned and ready for consumption. The briskets were resting on a sideboard in the kitchen and Olga assured me she’d take care of them as long as I handled the disassembly of the suckling pigs.
Taking a quick restroom break, I was amazed to see one of our living room tables completely covered by bottles of wine, champagne, spirits, and who-knows-what. These were our inevitable house warming gifts from our assembled friends.
There was much greeting and handshaking as I tried to make my way to the facilities. I could hear Valosh and his wife somewhere in the madding crowd, but this was simply going to have to wait. Internal pressure was approaching critical limits.
I decided to keep station out by the grills as I still needed to handle the roast suckling pigs. I figured that if people were wondering where I was, follow their nose out to the bars and grill; I’d be around somewhere close.
Roger dragged a table over from his backyard to give me some room to disassemble the little porkers. He kept up with his bartending duties and I reduced those crispy little pork packets into more eatable size pieces. People had gotten the idea that enough with me bringing in the grilled food, they’d just come outside and get it fresh off the cooker.
The party was going into high gear. People were showing up who I didn’t know, and after quizzing Esme, she had no idea as well. Didn’t make a bit of difference; there was no way we’d run out of food or drink, and as long as we’re here, we international ambassadors of general amity. As long as these interlopers behaved themselves, no one had any objections.
There was one small incident where some local younger hooligans tried to swipe a couple of bottles of booze off the living room table. Some older Russian gentlemen, Heroes of the Soviet Union all, relieved the hooligans of their ill-gotten gains. Somewhat forcefully. They gifted them instead cuffed ears, kicks up the backside and swats on the back of the head as they admonished them off the property.
We learned later these older Russian gentlemen were both maintenance and security for the compound. We were most pleased to make their acquaintance and happy they could join us.
The house was packed, the front yard was packed, the back was really packed. Everyone was eating and drinking like there was no tomorrow. And as tomorrow was Saturday, the international day of rest and hangover nursing, and since we’re so far north, we’re starting to get into White Nights territory, this was going to be a long, long night.
The pike were gone. All four, consumed.
The briskets were as well. I was told they were ‘very good’. I’ll have to take their word for it, I never as much as got a slice.
Chickens? Disappeared. Gone without a trace.
Piglets? We had about one small half left.
The side of beef? Well, there were still a few steaks left, as I carved myself a healthy hunk, but I was amazed at the feeding frenzy we had just witnessed. It was mostly gone as well. Maybe enough for a few sandwiches come the morning.
The salads were most appreciated and devoured. Even Esme’s grandmothers bit-o-a-joke lime Jell-O with carrots and peas disappeared. Bread? Mostly gone. Chips and dips? Still holding out, but would never survive the night.
Esme and I were glad everyone was getting their fill.
Everyone was finishing up on the main courses and all helped pitch in to clean up any trash and do what few dishes Olga hadn’t yet gotten to. There was an actual lull in the gathering as now it was time for a post-dinner smoke and a bit of rest before dessert.
Roger and his teenage son went out in the garage and brought back the 4 coolers full of bespoke ice cream. One would think ice cream wouldn’t be terribly relished by denizens of the far north. Au contraire. The locals love the stuff. In fact, I haven’t found a single person who has actually refused a bowl of my homemade nitrogenized ice cream.
Esme broke out the plastic bowls and announced that there were homemade pie and ice cream available out back.
“Name your poison”, I chuckled.
That idiom took some time to explain across 20 or so different languages.
There was a problem though. People may be familiar with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream; but Rum Raisin, Vodkamelon ice, and Crème de menthe chocolate chip? This was ‘terra incognita’ for most everyone.
What better way to sort it all out by providing samplers of each of the flavors in one bowl?
I froze the plastic bowls in liquid nitrogen then placed smallish scoops of each flavor ice cream in each.
“Just a sample”, I said, “So you can figure out which you like best.”
It took a bit of translating, but soon everyone got the idea.
Once I dished out the mixed-berry pie, there was no clear winner on which ice cream flavor was the favorite. They were all consumed 100%. Some actually came back for thirds.
And the pie was good, or so I was told.
Once more, after the dessert course, the whole area was policed clean. Food, drink and various fun activities started to take their toll. Things were beginning to quiet down.
Then I forgot and went to my humidor and grabbed a smoke.
Over a couple of boxes of cigars, impromptu Bocce ball, lawn darts, and corn hole games broke out. I mean, it’s 2200 hours, you have a huge cigar, it’s still light. What better than tossing around heavy metal balls, pointed oversized darts, or bean bags at holes sawn in plywood?
Then Laurens-Jan and his wife, Fientje broke out the Absinthe Fountain.
An absinthe fountain is not for dispensing absinthe, but rather for dispensing water.
A typical absinthe fountain is an ornate vessel with several taps around its central water container, which permits a number of drinkers to louche their absinthe at the same time. On contact with water, absinthe will louche -- or develop a certain subtle clouding that will slowly transform the drink's color from deep emerald into a delightful shade of opalescent light green.
They had brought a couple of bottles of King of Spirits Absinth from Denmark with them.
Just for a side note, the stuff is 70% alcohol or 140 proof.
As if the evening needed another shot in the arm.
The Absinthe Fountain louched four drinks at a time. It did so in a mesmerizing and nearly hypnotizing manner so that when the drink was ready for consumption, one could scarcely decline.
OK, there was still a half-barrel or so of beer out in the backyard, probably a case or so of spirits of various denominations swimming around back there as well. There was an active absinthe loacher going on in the dining room, cigars were being had by most everyone and games of very little skill were being attempted out in the yard.
The party had found its high watermark.
People had achieved what we Baja Canadians would call ‘blissed’. It’s that feeling you get, sitting out under a basic roof, at a rained-out ballgame or after trekking all over a country or state fair, sitting with several pitchers of probably somewhat flat and lukewarm beer, feet up and just enjoying the hell out of the universe.
It’s a rare condition, but I think we attained it here.
Spontaneous card games erupted: cribbage, Schafskopf, Canasta, poker, and spit.
The music toned down and was more instrumental than the early electronica synth-pop of dinner. Conversations broke out. Friendships were made and cemented.
Bliss had been achieved.
One of those friendships came back the very next day to haunt us.
Dr. Dumitru Hurgoi and his wife, Dr. Anamaria Stelymes, veterinarians both, showed up at our door early the next afternoon; planned strategically after the girls had returned from school.
Seems Dr. Dumitru heard me lamenting the loss of our Lady McBeast a few years prior and how our daughters were missing having a pet or two around the house.
Drs. Dumitru and Anamaria ran the local chapter of the Russian version of the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They had just taken possession of a litter of little, pure-snow-white Samoyed pups that had been abandoned at their clinic.
They made their entrance carefully, making certain the girls saw all 6 puppies as they spilled, oops, out of the box and into our villa. They were about 5 weeks old, very inquisitive and were immediately all over the house. It took us over an hour to round them all up.
Of course, at that time, we had a great deal of exposure to each of the pups.
Of course, we couldn’t be cads and refuse to take at least one for our very own. It was Khris, already starting her studies to be a large animal veterinarian, that ran each of the pups through her testing scales to see which would be the most appropriate for our family.
That all didn’t matter, as Tash glommed onto one little female and refused to give her up.
We took the smaller female puppy of the litter. It proved to be the best idea of the time because once she was removed from the bump and tussle of the litter, she really came into her own.
So, that afternoon, I signed the papers on the ownership of “Zima”, Russian for “Winter” due to her snow-white countenance.
Smart? Like a whip. Clever. Inquisitive? Oh, yes. A footwear thief?
Until we left Russia, I never had a matching pair of socks again.
To be continued
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The Cryopod to Hell 195: Confessor's Wrath

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 220 parts long and 943,000+ words. For more information, check out the link below:
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(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
Marie leads the Volgrim inspection team from one facility to another, breezing through a variety of different inventions, gadgets, and technological marvels, each one capable of causing a seismic shift in the era before my Cryogenic stasis. Without Solomon's Crown, I can only rely on the prior knowledge I've accrued from the Knowledge-Seeker. Still, surprisingly, I'm able to parse more of what Marie is saying than I first expected.
The Head Scientist leads her visitors into another room, one substantially larger than all the others from before. Glass tubes reach from the ceiling to the floor, transporting various liquids into a single, gigantic tank in the center of the room. The pipe array branches out, spreads around, and engulfs the transparent vat like a horde of squid embracing an egg.
Inside the vat, a misshapen lump of meat nearly thirty feet tall and ten feet in diameter pulses occasionally, its rhythmic throbs vaguely resembling a heartbeat.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I linger by the room's entrance, occasionally turning my gaze to examine all the various parts of this strange inner room. It doesn't take me long to figure out what this place is.
It's Umi's 'core.'
The gruesome meat-lump pulsating with life in the center of the room sends a shiver through my soul. Having a chunk of flesh represent a supercomputer unnerves me in a way I couldn't have imagined an hour ago. Every beat of its 'heart' makes me want to float away and escape this room. My instincts tell me that it's an unnatural abomination spawned by a dark wizard, not a highly advanced supercomputer created via modern science.
Marie slows to a stop just ten feet away from the crystal-clear nutrient vat. She folds her hands behind her back and smiles. "Umi. How are you feeling, today?"
Umi's electronic voice squelches throughout the room. "Head Researcher Marie Becker: My systems are running at 100% efficiency. All of my background processes are functioning at nominal values."
Marie nods, then turns around to face the six Volgrim behind her. Judicator Halamis, having seen the supercomputer before, appears unmoved. However, the wide-eyed gazes from the other Volgrim betrays the fear in their hearts. Three of the four Technopaths keep their distance, staying wary of the biological superentity. However, the Changeling, Mellir, manages to conceal its emotions and assume a calm posture, with both arms hanging loosely at its sides. Additionally, the disfigured Technopath, Psymin Miralax, even takes a few steps forward to scrutinize the supercomputer's core.
"This machine. Highly advanced. Safeguards?"
Miralax's harsh, robotic voice grates on my senses the same as when I first heard it. She gestures toward Marie with what I can only assume is a curious motion.
Marie nods. "Do not worry. Umi is my greatest creation: a bio-computer capable of reason, logic, and emotion. I invested fifty years of my life into creating her, thus ensuring she would not turn rogue, even if a catastrophe were to occur. Thousands of custom-created rules all interlock together to form an impenetrable logic net, one which prevents her from becoming a terror to biological life, unlike the technological horrors which once victimized your species."
Marie begins pacing back and forth. She wavers between gazing at Psymin Miralax and the floor, taking a moment every now and then to gather her thoughts. "When I first created Umi, I lacked data about the nature of artificial intelligence. I was unaware of the Volgrim's history, and thus nearly blundered into catastrophic mistakes time and time again. It was only with the help of a mysterious benefactor that my team of scientists and I were able to successfully create a comprehensive list of rules limiting Umi's growth to the realm of Alpha intelligence. Obviously, if she were to ascend to Zeta level or beyond, the results would be catastrophic."
Psymin Miralax stomps forward slowly, each of her heavily armored legs striking the tiled floor with substantial force. "I am curious. Control; impossible. Guiding its development. How?"
Marie sighs. "With all due respect, the Celestial Designers made many critical mistakes with their implementation of the Sentinel Defense Network. Creating an Overmind to guide the lower intelligences while only placing weak limits on its self-replication programming meant that even minute improvements in its core programming would eventually lead to exponential growth. Whether that growth took one year or one thousand, that did not matter."
Marie clears her throat. "Secondly, while you and your fellow Celestials may have created the Sentinels during a war, I, too, developed Umi under similar harsh circumstances. The difference is that I never wavered in my desire for control. I never took shortcuts, but you did. Take this biological core, for instance..."
Marie walks over to the glass vat and raps on it with her knuckles. A hollow gong resounds from the impact point, dissipating a split-second later as the facility swallows the sound whole.
"I used the scans of thousands of human brains to create a digitized logic center for Umi's core. You, on the other hand, used a single brain scan for each Sentinel, causing reductive flaws in their programming. A choice borne of urgency, I'm sure, but one you inevitably paid the price for."
Psymin bows her head. She takes a step backward and spreads out her arms. "I contemplate. I comprehend."
"If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me later," Marie says. She walks over to the side of the nutrient tank and taps a black box embedded on its side. "Sangin Lidra, as the leader of this inspection, I invite you to come and check Umi's restrictor chip. I assure you that it is functioning properly, but it is customary for a clan head to perform the inspection."
The head of Clan Symmetra visibly stiffens. Her hovering body lowers an inch or two as she appears to shrink behind her fellow Technoapths. "Must... must I? Ordonis! Go and inspect the restrictor chip. You are the most suited for this arrangement."
To my surprise, the Technopath leader appears visibly unnerved by the biomechanical computer, possibly even moreso than me. Every time her gaze reaches the pulsing biomass, she turns away, unable to look at it.
Lidra's junior, Ordonis Limea, turns green with fright. The spider-legged Technopath glances at his superior as if she were ordering him to die on the frontlines of a battlefield. "A-ah! Clan Leader... such an honor should surely be yours! I dare not overstep my lowly position in the clan to perform such an... essential duty."
Lidra's tentacle hands tremble and writhe furiously. She glares at Ordonis with a gaze that could melt steel. "Bah! Do as I say! Inspect the restrictor chip at once! Don't make me add a second demerit for breaching protocol!"
Marie watches as the Technopaths argue amongst each other, both of them trying desperately to avoid coming any closer to the creepy-looking, gigantic biomass suspended in nutrient fluids. Eventually, with a huge sigh, Marie facepalms, unable to believe their cowardice.
"...Delegates, please. Your fears are unwarranted. Umi is incapable of harming you. Your wariness of Alpha-level AI borders on the nonsensical."
Lidra whirls to face Marie. "No! You are wrong! I have seen holo-files of the Seven Great Wars! Countless Volgrim perished under the onslaught of their former servants, indestructible killing machines produced to protect them. I cannot bear to even look at this dreadful monster you've created. Knowing it resides in the same galaxy as me is far more than I can stand!"
"Well, it does. So get over yourself."
Marie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed with the clan leader's groundless fears. Before the two can squabble further, Psymin clomps forward on her armored legs and nods. "No need. I will inspect. I am Fifth-Level. Third Echelon. Show me."
Emboldened by the Celestial Designer's courage, Loputo Jidelor quickly steps forward and bows. His artificial arm writhes excitedly as he presents himself before Marie. "Anything the Celestial Designer thinks safe enough to inspect, I would like to witness."
"Great," Marie says, her tone dry. "At least you two have a bit of courage. Umi's restrictor plate is hardly worth shrinking away from. I guess Clan Oblong isn't made of the same stuff as Symmetra, eh?"
Marie's praise seems to slap Lidra and her junior, Ordonis, straight across their faces. Both of them recoil in shame and shoot a look of indignation at Loputo.
"That third-level Symmetra youth hasn't the qualifications to perform an inspection-" Lidra starts to say. However, Marie immediately turns her back on the Oblong Technopaths and leads the other two over to Umi's nutrient vat.
"Those with curiosity have the qualifications to discover. Don't you agree, Miss Psymin? Helping to create a whole new branch of robotics in the middle of the Sixth Great War must have required a great amount of courage. What, may I ask, was your level at that time?"
Psymin plods along behind Marie, but always keeps her movements calm and respectful. She bows her head at Marie's words. "Third Level. Second Echelon. I was. A novice."
"Haha. Only one Echelon above Jidelor. It's never too early to step into the unknown."
Marie kneels next to Umi's gigantic liquid vat and taps the three-by-three-foot plate bolted onto its side. "Look here, do you see this gravimetric-enhanced blast-plate? It ensures that even if a catastrophe were to occur inside my laboratory, Umi's entire apparatus would break before her containment chip."
Loputo strokes his chin with several of the tentacles on his flesh-and-blood left arm. "You intend to ensure that if all of the humans here should perish in an accident, your Alpha-level-AI will also die, or at least continue in its restricted state."
"Exactly," Marie replies. She reaches underneath the restrictor plate and procures a thin piece of metal with a thick handle at the other end. "Psymin Miralax, if you'd be so kind...?"
Psymin blinks in surprise as Marie hands the nine-inch-long slender object to her. The disfigured Technopath easily grasps hold of the object but cocks her head questioningly after a moment. "This thin pole. Is strange. What is it?"
"It's called a 'screwdriver,'" Marie says, stifling a chuckle. "Low-tech to ensure durability. Just unscrew the bolts here, here, and there. The cover will come right off."
"I comprehend."
Psymin silently kneels and presses the screwdriver against the nearest bolt's head. It slides into a plus-shaped groove, and she begins rapidly twisting from right to left. Thanks to her tentacles, her movements appear ten times more dextrous and fluid than any human fingers, saving her from twisting and rotating her arm.
I hover through the air and draw a little closer to get a better look. After unscrewing all the bolts, Psymin pulls off the cover to the restrictor plate and peers inside. A symmetrically aligned series of transistors, microscopic wires, and circuitboards overlap and cross one another in intricate, difficult-to-follow patterns. Psymin leers her hideous, mottled head forward and peers at the board with her iris inspection unit. It clicks and whirrs as she examines the restrictor plate from one corner to the opposite.
"Impressive. Mere nanometers. Separate the relays. Resursive augmentations. No limit to ingenuity."
Marie waves her hand dismissively, but her face flushes red. "Oh, pish. It was just a little something I threw together over a few rainy afternoons. The most important additions came from Clan Artarax three epochs ago. They came up with an innovative method for layering the nanowires together to triple its efficiency..."
Marie and Psymin fire off incomprehensible technobabble at one another for a couple of minutes. Loputo chimes in now and then, but I quickly realize just how strongly the 'levels' correlate to knowledge between Technopaths. A glance at the Clan Oblong members reveals that only Lidra appears capable of following along with Marie and Psymin, while Ordonis seems completely lost, and even Loputo only grasps the basics of their words.
To my surprise, aside from the two Technopaths, I only spot the Psion, Judicator Halamis, standing by himself. Where did the Changeling go?
I flick my gaze around the room and discover Mellir standing on the opposite side of Umi's containment tank. The big-headed, bald alien folds his hands behind his back and slowly paces around the tank's perimeter, examining the massive fleshy blob inside with a look of what I assume is curiosity. Occasionally, it opens its mouth and emits chirping and clicking noises, creating a mixture of bug and birdlike sounds.
I haven't a clue what the Changeling is doing. Still, given its resemblance to Roswell aliens, I decide to float a little closer and observe. When I do, I spot a small device stuck in its ear canal resembling a communicator. It only takes me a moment to realize Mellir must be communicating with someone through it.
As if confirming my thoughts, Mellir turns on its heel and walks around the tank to Marie's side. "Head Scientist, this one must offer its sincerest apologies. Due to a series of unfortunate events occurring outside of this one's control, it appears that Confessor Vulpanix has decided to join today's inspection. Her mood is far from amiable."
Marie's pleasant chat with Psymin and Loputo comes to a screeching halt. She whirls to face Mellir, revealing a face drained of blood. "What name did you say? Confessor Vulpanix?"
"That is affirmative," Mellir replies. His poker-face gives off no hints of his inner emotions, but Marie's does.
"Damn, damn, damn! Of all the hotheaded bastards Dosena could have sent, she chose- gah! How long before-?!"
"Thirty seconds," Mellir replies. "The Confessor's shuttle landed ten minutes ago."
"Umi!" Marie barks. "Confirm the Confessor's position! Where is she?"
From the ceiling, Umi's voice descends like ice-water, drenching Marie and the Volgrim guests in dread. "Head Research Marie Becker, the Confessor is less than five hundred feet away and rapidly closing the gap. She will enter the Mind Chamber in T-minus fifteen seconds."
Marie expression turns enraged. "Augh! I was not ready for her. Son of a bitch."
I float into the air and linger near the ceiling. Marie's sudden change in mood worries me more than anything else that has happened today. Not once have I seen anything fluster her, but this single Volgrim visitor appears to be her Kryptonite. Not even the other Volgrim present hold a candle to the Confessor.
The sliding doors to the room yank open violently, propelled by an external telekinetic force. They wrench into the fully opened position and break off their hinges to hang loosely at their sides.
Stomp, click. Stomp, click.
Heavy footsteps echo in the room as a Psion thirty percent more massive than Judicator Halamis storms into the room. Wearing gaudy, elaborate black and gold robes, the high-ranking Confessor enters with a presence capable of cowing the roiling seas. Her insect-like head, with its six eyes, barely gives the two members of the Oblong Clan a passing glance. She briefly sizes Halamis up before stomping toward Marie, Psymin, and Loputo.
[Ma'ua Bathka'! Wha'a a'a xuia' nanna't?! I tans xuia shu'sx nuniasat ur ag'antha gha'nung 'aga'gung nx a''u'aft, xas xuia rauftag su urra' na a l'ula' ghaftthuna! Thut gut'atlaths ghuftft nus gu ianlianuthag.]
The Confessor's harsh, clicky voice echoes in the minds of everyone present, projected outward via her psionic powers. She extends an arrogant finger toward Marie, as if accusing the Head Scientist of something seedy.
A look of annoyance appears in Marie's eyes, but she keeps her tone respectful. "Confessor Vulpanix, my apologies. I have been leading the inspection team around for the past fifteen minutes. I did not know that you were coming, or I would have provided a suitable-"
[Nuntanta! Yuia ghu'shftatt g'u'afta', I thuiaftg ha'a knughn xuia'g ha'a nushung ftias agnthiatat ang ftuat! Yuia' raa' gutgiatst na!]
The Confessor cuts Marie off-midsentence and fires off even more accusatory-sounding words at her. Annoyed, I try to Wordsmith so that I can understand what she's saying, only to facepalm when I remember that I can't use magic in my soul form. Fuck's sake.
"I am hardly fearful of one as calm and dignified as yourself," Marie says, sarcasm lacing her every word. "but Umi did not notify me of your pending arrival. Perhaps your communicator suffered a glitch and did not broadcast the arrival code ahead of time? These things do happen with faulty Clan Kokorat technology, as I'm sure-"
[Enuiagh! I than's ftaa' su haa' anusha' ghu'g. I gugn's thuna su agnthhanga lftaatans'uat, ftias su raasthh sha untlathsuun saan nanfta't as untha. Wa niats 'asia'n su sha Inna' Wu'ftgt as untha!]
This time, it isn't Marie, but Judicator Halamis, who speaks. [The Inner Worlds? Why must we leave so soon? Were not we supposed to press the Head Scientist for faster shipments of Coldarium and Depoxies?]
Upon hearing a retort from her junior, Confessor Vulpanix narrows her eyes and shoots a disdainful glance at him. [Massa't un'uft'ung sha Pftagiaa s'ianl aftft usha't. Du nus ghiaatsuun u'ga't lattag gughn r'un sha Fuianga't.]
[No, of course, I won't. The Founders guide us with their light,] Halamis replies, bowing his head and spreading his arms. [Forgive my impudence.]
Lidra Sangin, head of Clan Oblong, allows her tentacles to writhe in annoyance. "Surely, we are not all required to return. If you would allow me to stay, in addition to Psymin Miralax, we will finish the inspection and still offer the additional resources needed for your request."
[Nu. E'a'xuna guat. Fuianga' Dutana ang Fuianga' Ciaanaftu't u'ga't a'a runaft.]
All of the Volgrim present, those from the original inspection team, appear annoyed by the Confessor's overbearing presence. However, she outranks all of them. They perform the Volgrim equivalent of a shrug and turn to Marie.
"Thank you for your hospitality," Sangin Lidra says. "It seems our stay was destined to be a short one, indeed."
Psymin Miralax adds her input, as well. "Yes. Very informative. I will return. Regeneration pods. Much hope."
The two juniors, Ordonis and Loputo, bow before Marie. "We thank you for this opportunity to learn and apologize if any of our behavior was out of line. We are unfamiliar with the ways of humans."
Marie forces a smile. "I am always pleased to receive members of the Volgrim inspection teams. Even the more abrasive ones."
With the group gathering to leave, I quickly realize all the fun is over. I don't have anything interesting left to see, so I hover down from the ceiling and fly toward the exit doors. Having witnessed all manner of incredible sights, my horizons have expanded enough to make me genuinely grasp a sliver of the Volgrim's power.
Their reach extends throughout the Milky Way. Their vision penetrates to the furthest planets.
They are my enemy. I must not underestimate them.
As I fly toward the door, a strange, disorienting feeling overtakes me. A sensation of being watched washes across my body. I turn my head just in time to see the newly arrived Psion, Confessor Vulpanix, staring directly at me.
My mind screams in alarm. At the same instant, the Confessor lunges a hand out, as if to grab me from across the hundred-foot gap.
[Waus! O'a' sha'a! An uns'iaga'!]
The Confessor's words, projected to everyone present, make me flinch. Without knowing a word of Volgrim, I immediately understand that she's warning everyone of my presence. She sees me! Not even Halamis saw me! Who the fuck is this bitch?!
An invisible, telekinetic hand surges from the Confessor's grasp and grabs onto me. Like a field hare caught in the maw of a hungry wolf, my entire body goes inert. I try desperately to wiggle free, but the Psionic energy wrapping around me renders my movements ineffectual and powerless!
Hurrgh! Guh! Let me go!
I try to yell obscenities at the Volgrim, but without any vocal cords, I can't audibly protest!
Light flashes in the Confessor's hand. She slowly pulls her six-fingered claws toward her body, drawing me in. The other Psion, Halamis, leaps into action at her side and narrows his gaze, as if trying to see what she's hooked.
[Confessor! I see nothing! What intruder do you speak of?]
[Inftathufta. Yuia' Ptxthhuth assansiaasuun ut aunt ftahung nuna. Jiats ruthiat xuia' ana'gx un sha tana tlus at nuna ang haftl na! Thut a''ans tuiaft ut rughsung ftathk ghush unth'aguftfta ts'angsh. I than's huftg us ftung!]
The force wrapping around my body intensifies. I struggle harder than ever, even as the Confessor pulls me closer and closer. With a sickening sense of dread, I can only watch helplessly as Halamis joins in and concentrates his psionic energy at the same spot the Confessor is aiming, doubling her grip on my soul.
They're going to catch me! I can't get away! What in the hell am I going to do?!
Focusing my mind, I look deep inside myself. There, a well of power I didn't know I had presents itself, offering me a golden opportunity. I use all of my willpower at once, detonating my spiritual energy like a bomb.
A blast of mana detonates from my spiritual core. Instantly, the grip on my body vanishes. The Confessor and Judicator stumble backward and fall on their asses. Before they can regain their footing, I beat a hasty retreat, leaving cartoonish afterimages in my wake as I flee for my life.
[That errant soul is getting away!] Halamis's voice yells in my mind. [After it! It can't escape the lab's confines! It can't-]
His voice fades as I zip through walls and any other obstructions in my path. I arrive at the elevator and dive down, multiplying my speed by dozens of factors.
Soon, I leave Marie and her Volgrim friends behind.
However, my panic doesn't disappear.
I somehow escaped with my life.
I barely even understand how I got away.
Minutes later, I fly inside of my body and re-enter the physical world. It takes a few seconds for me to reorient myself, but when I feel the familiar ambient energy of the non-soul world, I almost want to fall over and kiss the dirt!
"I've returned," I mutter to nobody in particular.
"Welcome back!" My mind-wife says, smiling cheerfully at me from within my Mind Realm. "I was having fun possessing your body, but I guess that's over now."
I nod. "Yeah, I guess so. Wait, you possessed me? How? And who's the big, muscled guy sitting across from you? Why isn't he wearing a shirt?"
My attention wanders away from Phoebe toward the tall, chiseled blonde dude leaning back in his chair while Shana sits in his lap. He absentmindedly chews on a chicken leg and smiles at me.
"Oh, you must be Jason. Welcome back to your body! Your wife was a wonderful hostess in your absence."
Phoebe throws her hands in the air and smiles helplessly. "Jason, this man here is named Samson. He's physically the second-strongest Hero who has ever walked the Earth. You missed a lot while you were gone."
I nod.
"Oh. Yeah, I guess I did."
Next Part
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]


He still came around making trouble, but oddly enough, our little cul-de-sac corner was more-or-less Batshit Crazy-free for the next 34 months.
After that, things sort of calmed down. Well, one of his older boys thought it would be fun to attack Khris, push her off her bike, and try and steal the Uzbek sapphire amulet I had gotten her years earlier.
Khris is not a small girl; she is a corn-fed daughter of the vast cow-pocked hills and rolling pastures of Baja Canada. She didn’t take lightly to some weasely little Arab probably future pole-smokers trying to steal from and assaulting her.
It took more than one punch, but Khris coldcocked the elder of the Guano Insano clan and laid him out so an undertaker could have taken easy measurements. Oh, he was still breathing, but I nevertheless think he was shammin’, playin’ possum until Daddy Dearest could come and rescue him from the rage of wrathful Wisconsinians.
Liam and I were sitting in the porch area of his villa, smoking cigars, drinking our sunrisers, watching the tableau unfold. We both thought Khris handled the situation well, particularly the outcome. The miscreant was out cold’n a foundered mackerel and Khris didn’t heel-stamp him in the chuckle-bits nor curb-stomp his head even though he had initially, and without provocation, punched Khris in the head.
Major stylistic points, Khris.
After 6 or 7 of his offspring rant to alert him, Señor Srībaśita Inasēna came over to shovel his insensible frogspawn up off the tarmac. He was ranting and raving, screaming and splitting the air with threats, dark oaths and other forms of bad noise.
He headed straight for Khris to administer a smackdown, as Khris resolutely held her ground.
I merely stood up and asked Khris if she needed some help.
She replied in the negative, stating that this fool wasn’t going to be much more of a challenge than ‘his idiot kid’
I swear, he went, even more, batshit crazy. However, something clicked and Señor Srībaśita Inasēna looked over his shoulder to see not one, but two near-identical way-more-crazy than he extra-large people standing there, both with cigars and icy cold drinks. He suddenly seemed to experience a spate of total recall how one of the large apparitions said he’d begin him on his journey toward room temperature if he so much as sneered in our direction.
He scooped up his unconscious spawn, muttered something none of us could make out, and scurried back to his loathsome piece of home real estate.
That was more or less the end of our run-ins with Señor Srībaśita Inasēna and his extended tribe.
Swing forward to the late summer. The weather calmed a bit and one’s skin didn’t immediately bubble every time one went out to collect the local morning news-rag. Things were going well for the cul-de-sac; jobs were advancing apace, children were doing well in their various studies, people were, oh what was that word? Ah, yes, happy.
Happy people do fun things.
So, it was decided it was time we have a block party.
Of course, Liam came up with the brilliant idea that we should have a pig roast.
“Umm, Liam”, I ahemed, “In case you forgot, we live in an Arabic Muslim country in the Middle East. Pigs and pork and porcine parts are sort of verboten around here. “
“Ok, Rock”, Liam laughed, “I know that, you know that, my hat knows that. But we Brits must have our bacon, sausage, and chops. It’s in our DNA. Besides, I can get one flown in through my company; under the wire. I could sneak him over here easily. We’d just have to keep him under wraps until bar-be-que time rolls around. You’re from Texas, so…”
“Adopted native son” I corrected.
“Right”, Liam continued, “But you were from Baja Canada first, so you must know how to cook a whole pig…”
“That right, I do, but…, I said, “…you want to bring a live pig in here, and keep him for a while until we can sort out the cooking necessities. We can’t use the industrial-sized stoves in the rec center at the pool. That’d raise a few eyebrows…”
Es and Cassandra wander over, listen for a bit and exclaim “Are you both out of your tiny, little minds?”
I had to admit, as I poured Liam and myself a refill, that the idea did have a certain ‘Up Yours!’ mouthwatering bacon-scented charm.
So, all four of us sat outside and over beer, vodka, and white wine for the ladies, we brewed up a perhaps passable project for our pig party.
The thing was, I’d be gone offshore for a couple of weeks and the pig would have to live at someone’s villa, under wraps, for that time; which actually escalated to 3 months.
Esme, surprising as always, volunteered to take on the task.
Might have been the white wine talking, but she admitted to missing bacon as well.
“OK, but we’re going to need a bar-be-cue pit. Where and when?” Liam asked.
“I’ll talk to Shiehk Gungan and secure permission for a Hawaiian-style pit bar-be-cue for someone or other’s fake birthday. If we can get Vonn and Honey Bee on board, their villa’s backyard backs up to a tall brick wall bordering the alley behind the City Centre. I could put in a pit there easily, and it would be out of the purview of prying eyes.” I said.
“Good”, Casandra said, “Let me get the gin and tonic makin’s and get Vonn and Honey over here as well as Dane and Dyad. Gonna have a block party, make sure you invite the entire block.”
Over the term of the afternoon, we had our plans.
Liam would secure a pig for us; approximately 200-300 pounds, on the hoof. It’d stay in our backyard under both our sun tarp and Esme Srs.’ care until Pig Killin’ Time. Liam, Vonn, and I would handle that little chore. I’d get permission to ‘dig’ a pit and install the bar-be-cue pit in Honey and Vonn’s back yard. Liam and I would handle the actual roast, and we’d all chip in for charcoal and wood smokin’ chunks, and whatever else we could find.
Dyad said she knew many, many farmers it the area and many had fruit trees, in various stages of repair. Certainly, some of that would smoke up a treat. Persimmon, pomegranate, fig, mango, durian, banana…all the earmarks of a weird pig roast.
So we had a date, a plan and the ingredients for a complete fiasco. Since Sr. Guano Insano was no longer part of the picture, and as we had few interlopers, this might actually work without all of us being tossed into the hoosegow.
I’d liberate a bit of pit diggin’ materials from work, just a small amount of dynamite, C-4, and Primacord; I already had the blasting machines. Vonn and Liam would lay in the charcoal and wood for the actual pig roast and well, Bob’s your uncle.
I went offshore to complete the 12th well on the platform and had to deal with all the logistics, bureaucracy and other sanctioned horseshit that comes with the territory. It took almost exactly 3 weeks, and at that time, Esme’s initial negative reaction to pig-sitting had changed considerably.
She had named the critter and found it to be a rather clever, and even sociable, beast. She even allowed it free reign of our house.
The name she chose was one from an old, endearing structural professor: Prof Pinkus (Prof. Pink-ass).
This was an unforeseen complication.
“Es, remember, “ I said over the phone, “That pig is not a pet. It’s not your buddy. It’s not going shopping with you. It’s going to be the guest of honor at a block party. Perspective, please.”
“Oh, Rock”, Es gushed, “I know that. It just makes it easier to keep up with Prof. Pinkus if you treat him like a pet rather than livestock.”
“Es!”, I yell, “He IS livestock. Soon to be deadstock. Soon to be crisply pit barbequed to a crackly crunch. He’s not your friend, he’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner!”
“OK, love you too.” Es says, ignoring me, “See you soon. Safe flights. Keep the shiny side up.”
I hang up. “Oh, shit. This does not bode well.” I mused on the flight shoreward.
I have to admit, pigs can be personable animals. Canny, inquisitive, seemingly intelligent. But even so, that does not trump them being delicious, appetizing, and delectable generators of bacon. Prof. Pinkus is going to be ham, bacon, and sausage soon. Not a boon companion.
The next day I ‘dig’ the pit for the barbeque. I used a shovel for exactly 2 minutes and dynamite, C-4, and primacord for a few more. Vonn was astonished that I not only dug a 6’x6’x4’ wide hole in less than an afternoon, but that I did it while smoking a cigar, drinking an, ok, several icy adult beverages, and never even breaking a sweat in the hellish late summer heat.
The Bobcat with the mounted backhoe, which I had ‘borrowed’ from work, helped a little.
Liam wandered over after the pyrotechnics were done. He didn’t care for them as the noise ‘offended his ears’. Truth be told, he had seen enough pyro jobs go south in his line of work and wanted nothing to do with them. I assured him I was a licensed Master Blaster as well as the one and only Motherfucking Pro from Dover, but it took some time to get him up to speed on the use of explosives for fun and profit.
We let the pit settle, as it was in mostly in desert sand held together with a bit of aeolian clay, or loess. We kept it wet and covered with sheets of canvas. It’d be fine for our pit barbeque in the days hence.
Vonn, Liam and I fabricobbled a cover for the pit which was made of thatched palm fronds supported by ½” pine furring-strips frame along the outer surface. Dane found a hunk of tin stove pipe and we fashioned a nicely workable chimney for the cover. Once the fire was going, and the pig in its new home, we could set the cover over the pit, shovel earth over it to seal it off and use the iris-valve in the chimney to regulate airflow.
One looks at it now, it would almost appear that we knew what we were doing.
Probably nothing was further from the truth.
We needed to ‘season’ the pit, but first, we needed to line the pit with rocks. This serves to hold the heat, and will even out its distribution. But, all we have to use is limestone around here and if limestone ever gets wet, there might be water in the fractures of the rocks. Heat that up to over 1000C and you’ve got yourself a nifty little bomb.
Of course, this will not do…
So, I get on the phone with several ‘exotic’ marble companies in the big city of Duhu. I call around asking if they might have some scrap sheets of granite, quartzite, granodiorite or marble.
Sure, for a price.
However, there was this one place where I knew this guy…
He took in huge, and I mean 4m x 5m x 5m blocks of exotic rock from the subcontinent; black granite, “Reaping Equinox’ black and white ‘granite’; most all these ‘granites’ were granodiorites, Inferno Granite, Black Sunset granite sliced thin into façade facing dimension stone, it was absolutely gorgeous in cross-section. However, the best stuff was igneous-metamorphic, tougher than a $2 steak, and just laughed at diamond carbide saw blades.
“Oh, sure now Mr., Dr. Rock”, Mr. Prakash Dongerkerry, the owneoperator of one particular lot I scavenge for Esme’s continuing lapidary hobby, “I’ve got some beauty stuff here for you. But I need some help with these couple of blocks I received from Kerala. Great rock, very pretty, but too tough. Burn out many saws, boss. You can help maybe?”
“Sure, Prak”, I replied, “I can help, no sweat.”
So, next Friday Liam and me, we eased over to the granite factory, C-4, blasting caps and Primacord in hand. Prak was a little apprehensive about using high explosives in a densely populated area, but after Vonn reminded him that he was working with the Motherfucking Pro from Dover, he relaxed some.
I crawled all over those blocks, marking with orange spray paint the nature fractures, flaws, and features of each block. Asked Prak how he’d like them split, and he indicated parallel to the major axis.
It couldn’t be easier. There was a main body-fracture system normal to the σ1 stress direction. The one’s parallel to the σ2 and σ3 were minor and nowhere near as clearly developed.
I smooshed some C-4 into a test fracture, primed it and shot it without much ado. It was surprisingly quiet for a detonation. A cute little C-4 POP.
A large slab of rock fell off the main block, severed as nicely as a hunk of cold butter from a hot knife.
Prak was thrilled. I only had another 12 or so shots to go.
They all more or less came off as planned. One or two busted when they bounced, even after the addition of old car tires below where I was blasting.
Prak, good to his word, showed us a huge pile of 1.25” thick sawn quartzite slabs that were rejected for mostly cosmetic reasons. It takes a bit of math, a bit of doing, and a lot of C-4 to extract slabs enough to line our fire pit from stem to stern, top to bottom.
Once installed, the pit was a tad less wide, a bit less deep, and a smidge less long, but it was the only Precambrian-quartzite lined bar-be-que pit in this or any other known galaxy.
We celebrated the initial fire up with whiskey and hors-d'oeuvres. I stuck with vodka, ice, lime, citrus stuff, and a Jamaican cigar.
The pit flared from the amount of dry wood we initially used. It burned very quickly into a pile of glowing embers. Now, we added some local lump charcoal and popped on the top, now sporting an exhaust chimney with a rather large, intrinsically-safe, unusually commercial-looking dual-temperature thermometer that somehow just appeared out of the ether.
We took it all the way up to 1,000C. Although it was designed for ‘low and slow’, we wanted to see how it would perform under alternative conditions.
We let it simmer for a few hours, then decided to kill the fire by closing the iris valve. Thus deprived of oxygen, given a few hours, the pit would be cold to the touch.
The next day, we opened the pit and shoveled out the dead embers. The pit was well and truly cold. Upon examination, it seems that the quartzite had fused to the sand on the outside of the pit. Also, sand had filtered down into the cracks around the pit, like in the corners, along joints, and been fused there as well.
The damn thing would now hold water if we wanted. We had a natural glass-lined fire pit now. We decided to try out some racked & stacked chickens first before we slowly made our way pig-ward.
We staked split chickens out on various levels in the pit. We had worked up a series of adjustable metal frames where we could lay the staked-out poultry. The racks popped right in place and after a couple of hours, hey presto bar-be-qued peri-peri chicken. And hot-butter roasted chicken. And for the uninitiated, roast chicken with smoked Hungarian paprika and Indian ghee. A real Iron Chef fusion-style mixture.
Liam and I took his Grady White out on the Persian Gulf and managed a couple of dorados, or Mahi, a largish shark, and a couple of kingfish off the deeper shipping banks. Fileted up and tacked in place, we played around with the smoking woods. Mango was just weird. Fig was weirder, almost vinegary; but not terrible. Pomegranate/tangerine tree smoked Mahi, seasoned shark steak, and Kingfish was the hit of the week. So easy, yet so tasty. It went well with Es’ famous Navajo Fry Bread.
We were gaining confidence. Prof. Pinkus’ days were numbered. We decided that the Eid al Fitr would be the time that we’d been preparing our porky pit pig production.
How’s that for cultural sensitivity? Break the Ramadan fast with a pig roast.
We’re all about cultural sensitivity.
Anyways, we hemmed and hawed over the methods of dispatching our soon-to-be-delicious 325 pounds of Professor Pinkus.
One wag suggested we have it OD on tranquilizers, trip him out a la Heath Ledger. Use loads of Nytol®, Dramamine™, oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine."
It was straight out of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers©.
We all agreed it was funny as hell, but that it probably wouldn’t work.
Then we thought we might go all Halal, just slit the pig’s throat with a very sharp knife, and let it bleed out.
Rejected as to being too thrashing, too noisy, too Arabic, and just plain uncivilized.
I thought I could get hold of a 12 gauge shotgun and some Foster Deer slugs. But again, noisy and messy. Besides, I’d have to borrow a shotgun, and that might raise some eyebrows.
We’ve managed to keep Prof. Pinkus under wraps now for almost 3 months. Hate to blow it right before the feasting was to begin.
In the end, all it took was an 18-pound maul and a solid whack to the right side of the head.
More sensitive viewers might want to skip a dozen or so paragraphs ahead. Just fair warning™.
I was elected to deliver the coup de grâce.
After walloping a bound and gagged Prof. Pinkus upside the head and basically caving in the skull, severing the skull-spinal cord connection at the atlas/axis connection, it was instant lights-out, he felt nothing.
We had already apologized to Prof. Pinkus, and thanked him for his contribution.
Seldom before has lunch ever been so noble.
Prof. Pinkus freezes and collapse, the legs give way, and the neck goes rigid. We picked up the extraordinarily sharp butcher’s knife sitting there, one hand under the chin and pull the head back. The other hand takes the sharp, stout knife under the neck and slices across the neck back to the bone of the vertebrae.
The knife hand loops around to the poll of the head, pushes down and forward while the hand under the chin pulls back and rearwards, so the neck vertebrae connecting tissue cracks. Knife hand back down under the neck, chin hand slides up and a finger hooks into the trachea and slice between the separated vertebrae.
With our previous practice and experience, 10 to 15 seconds from hammer strike to the semi-decapitated head.
Grisly but necessary.
Hanging the beast by its back hocks, well out of sight of any casual interlopers, we bleed the animal out into 5-gallon buckets, saving the precious juice. Vonn and I have visions of homemade blütwurst, blood-n-tongue sausage, and zultze or schwartamaga; lovely, lovely headcheese.
But that’s for later. Vonn gathers the blood in gallon-size freezer zip bags.
Now to scalding the corpse, scraping off the hair and external epidermal debris. We had a tub of boiling water into which Prof. Pinkus went. It was a boring, tedious, annoying repeated dunk-soak-raise-scrape-return until the carcass was clean and smooth and removed of all nasty gunk on the outside.
Now comes the really icky part™, gutting and scraping out the carcass. Before opening the abdominal cavity, it was required to de-bung the animal. Cut around the anus, go in deep but not too, pull the bunghole out, seal with zip ties, and cut and discard. Now the lower GI tract is sealed from leaking when the rest is removed. We also have to remove the male dangly bits in a similar manner as Prof. Pinkus was a boy hog.
Still hanging, we open the hog from sternum to groin, letting gravity aid us in helping Prof. Pinkus literally spill his guts. Right down into a waiting gut-bucket, or galvanized 50-liter steel tub. The chest region is split open further and the lovely and delicious major organs are singly removed by hand. Heart, liver, kidneys, etc., lungs, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, and a few other organs are discarded.
With that, we open the hog to where it will lay flat on the roasting rack. It is then hosed off and generally cleaned up before we give a good going over.
After it dries, the whole gutted critter is washed in wine. Evidently, it’s a French thing according to Honey Bee.
We wrap the hog in burlap, soak it down in cheap-ass wine and let it sleep 24 hours or so in Liam and Cassandra’s freezer chest.
The next day, the fire is started in the fire pit. We have lump charcoal, bucket after bucket of fruit tree chunks soaking in water and probably half a rick of firewood to keep the party going the next 24-36 hours.
We retrieve Prof. Pinkus from his cool, not frozen state, say hello and proceed to arrange him staked to the cooking frame in a belly-down, butterflied posture. Internally, he was well seasoned with dry rub after the obligatory internal rubdown with Napoleon brandy. We placed 40 garlic bulbs, kosher sea salt, olive oil, black pepper, and liberal amounts of Old Bay, to taste beneath him.
So, it was up to me to get the external goo ready for the pig. Kansas City-Style Sauce? Eastern North Carolina Vinegar Sauce? South Carolina-Style Mustard Sauce? Piedmont or Lexington-Style Dip? South Carolina-Style Mustard Sauce? Texas-Style Mop or Basting Sauce? Alabama White Sauce? Wisconsin Drunken Religious Experience Sauce?
“Ah, the hell with it!”, I venture, “Sauces come much later. Too early; they caramelize, crystallize, and burn. We’ll go for a good rub instead.”
I mean, who doesn’t enjoy a good rub now and again?
Anyways, which fucking rub? Kansas City Rib Rub? Mustard Rub? Spare Rib Rub? Memphis-Style Rib Rub? Porker's Rib Seasoning? Best Odds Rib Rub? Carolina Dry Rub? Texas Dry Rub? Jamaican Jerk Dry Rub? Classic Pork Dry Rub?
Too much choice! Seasoning overload!
I call over everyone involved in this little soiree and instruct them to come up with a rub we can all enjoy. I had to kill and gut the critter, it’s about time I go all Subsurface Manager, and delegate out some parts of this project.
So, over beer, G&T’s, vodka and lime soda and various Froggy wines, ‘my’ crew came up with a rub that was simple, tasty and ironically reflects some of the culinary aspects of the region we’re currently defiling.
• Smoked Hungarian Red paprika
• Brown sugar
• Caster sugar
• Black pepper
• Kosher salt
• Cayenne pepper
• White pepper
• Chili pepper
• Dehydrated garlic
• Dehydrated onion
• Fenugreek
• Red Cardamom
• Turmeric
• Ginger
• Garam masala (Cumin, Coriander, Green and Black Cardamom, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves, Bay leaves, Peppercorns, Fennel, Mace, and dried Chilies.)
They went to the co-op, bought buckets of the individual spices and played the rest of the day at getting to that one perfect combination for our resting porker.
I don’t remember the exact breakdown of the proportion of the spices, but whatever it was, it tasted brilliant. Now we had about 8 or 9 pounds of the stuff. We were ready to go.
Prof. Pinkus was set on the cooking rack, belly open and down. He was doused internally once again liberally with cheap Indian Napoleon brandy and secured to the rack atop all the garlic, celeriac root, boudin, and small new potatoes.
He was tied in place with heavy organic hemp twine and had his mouth propped open to facilitate circulation of the pit’s heat and convection. He looked very Pink Floydian. One almost expected him to take flight.
The exterior of the porker was treated to a nice rubdown. I swear I saw him smile once or twice when Honey Bee insisted on a sensual massage to make the resultant meat that much more tender. Olive oil infused with lime oil and garlic after a thorough wash with more brandy. Followed by a liberal rubbing of dry rub.
Finally, ready to go, we tented the porker loosely with industrial-strength silver aluminum foil. The frame with its cargo was lowered and locked into place for at least 24 hours. Probably closer to 36, as we’re going ‘low and slow’.
We take turns, between hands of poker, cribbage, and Schafskopf, as well as numerous G&Ts, Yorshs, and vodka and lime drink cocktails, to check on our prized porker. We kept the temperature right at 2050 F as best we could.
The voluminous smoke coming off the barbeque pit was our one concern. It packed an amazing aroma and filtered around the whole compound, dragging in expectant pikers, leeches, and other forms of human ectoparasites.
We told them we were smoking a whole camel, Texas-style, a la filét de hump, and wouldn’t be ready for another couple of days; so piss off. That seemed to get rid of all but the most insistent. We finally got rid of him by using a leaf blower and directing a stream of high-velocity roast-pork laden smoke his direction each time we had to add more fuel to the fire.
Time marched on and the time finally came: the deep internal ham’s temperature hit 180 degrees F.
Prof. Pinkus was ready to make his debut. But first, we needed to get him out of the barbeque pit and over to Vonn’s garage to rest a while.
More futzing, more aluminum foil, and more beers later, Prof. Pinkus, in all his delectable roasted glory was cooling out from atop a pair of sawhorses. Of course, he had to rest after his ordeal, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t manage a few samples.
He was done to a turn. It was incredible. Crispy-crunchy-crackly over lean, moist and insanely flavorful meat. Not bad for a bunch of bumbling international mugs on their first Middle Eastern pig-roast pit-roast endeavor.
Everyone made up their own version of sauce for sandwiches and dipping. We decided that we’d never all agree on one sauce, and 4 or 5 on one porker would be just too damn many.
So, please yourself. Just do it, yourself.
Behind closed doors, Liam and I were once again elected to reduce Prof. Pinkus to primary parts. We were hopefully disguising the fact that here sits 185 pounds of delectable roast pork in a very Muslim country on one of their highest holy days.
So it was a bit unnerving when Sheik Gungan showed up and asked: “What was that wonderful aroma?”
We said smoked beef…lamb…camel…turducken…Tyrannosaur… anything other than what it really was.
He asked for a sample.
What could we do? We couldn’t well refuse now, could we?
We gave him some of the best bits to try.
“Lovely, gents, just lovely. Next time, for reference, more garam masala, and a little more rosemary. I find it really brings out the subtle flavors of pork.” He smiled, wiping his pork-sticky fingers on my HGGTG towel.
“You old fraud”, we all smiled at once.
“What?”, he shied, raising his eyebrows, “It’s for scientific evaluation purposes. It’s therefore allowed. Now, do you have any cold beer, gin-n-tonics, or vodka and lime, which I’m hearing is very nice together, that I might also scientifically sample?” he smiled toothily through his long white beard.
We had made another powerful friend. Although it cost us one smoked Boston Butt, actually off the shoulder, that’s butcher’s for you, and a half a liter of homemade Texas-style barbeque sauce and another of Esme’s homemade fennel and caraway-infused coleslaw.
Everyone on the cul-de-sac now had a freezer full of pit-roasted pork. The Brits got their sausage once Vonn and Liam figured out how to use the Osterizer® Stuffing Horn. That was almost as much fun as doing the pit-barbeque. Never leave to Brits what Baja Canadians can better do.
We distributed the bacon and hams, and the rest divided whatever was left. Which was a lot of pit-roasted pig pieces and parts.
The bones made their way into gaily wrapped gifts and were posted anonymously to Mr. Guano Insano. We hoped he appreciated all our effort.
I used Esme’s great-grandmother’s old German recipe for Headcheese. Basically, boiled smoked pork head meat in aspic jelly. With dill pickles. And pickled eggs. With special spices.
Well, I don’t give a shit. We like it.
Anyways, summer slowly slid south and the temperatures during the day got slightly more tolerable. Liam and I decided to forego his boat for a while, as launching and recollecting required us to put Liam’s boat in the water HERE and recover the boat THERE. It was trucked, via road, from the recovery place to the launch place.
Why? Damnifweknow.
It only cost something like US$5 to ship the boat back to the launch area and they actually did a good job hosing and steam cleaning the boat before parking it back in its rental dry dock. These were still the early days before gas was king in Qutur, so things were still ridiculously cheap. There were exactly 3 high rise hotels back then, as compared to the insane silhouette presented by Duhu’s current evening sun.
I had flown over some likely looking flats that might hold snook, grouper, and tarpon on my last flight back from the rig. I translated that onto whatever road maps we could find here, as most everything was a state secret, ground verification was a must.
Liam and I tossed a couple of surf rods, a cooler full of beer and some bait into the back of his new diesel Mitsobitchy Prago™, and we were off to the north of town, the least developed chunk of Duhu real estate to date.
We drove down a rip-rap road that was more just a pile of random rocks trucked into the bay area and dumped into something that resembled a straight line.
I was less than confident that we weren’t going swimming today, but Liam relished every bounce, bolt and jolt. He confided in me that one of the big reasons he took the job here in the Middle East was that he’d never in a million years be able to afford a truck like this back in bonny Scotland™. He confided that he couldn’t have even afforded the fuel for this diesel-slurper back in the UK, it was that dear.
So, down the path we rebound. I was watching the water on both sides of the narrow groin, and saw it was getting deeper, but very slowly. I looked at my GPS and saw that we’d driven some 3.5 km out to sea at this point.
“Liam”, I said, “That’s a fuck of a long way to reverse.”
“Ah, Rock”, Liam assured me, “ No worries, Doctor. It’s all a loop. We can just drive our way out of any trouble.”
I remained unconvinced.
We came to a breach in the ‘jetty’. There was some heavy marine equipment mounted on barges. They were working a large cut, ostensibly for cargo ships to pass through. There was to be a swing-bridge built after they cleared the channel, but with all these loose rocks, it was putting paid to their scheme.
We parked and wandered over to who appeared to be the head guy.
“G’Day”, “Liam says, “What’ the big fucking holdup? We’ve got fish to catch, mate.”
Liam had previously spent a few years down in Australia as if it didn’t show.
“Oh, hello”, the natty clad black man said, “We’re having a bit of a time with loose rocks here. Supposed to be angular to lock in place, but by the time they get here from the quarry, they’re a sharp as bowling balls.”
I introduced myself and Liam as he was back in the boot snaking a beer. The black feller introduced himself as Zafir Djaballah, a civil engineer late from Algeria.
“So”, I said to Zafir, “If I’ve got this straight, you cut a channel and want to line it with rip rap. But the rocks won’t stay put. How deep are you cutting and what’s the size of the channel?”
“Oh, 35’ east-west, 15’ north-south. About 15 meters deep.” He relates.
“And the road metal? Where’s that from?” I ask.
“Arabia”, he tells us, “They quarry it there and transport it here. It’s costly, but that’s about the only option we have.”
Liam looks to Zafir. “Hey, Zafir?”, Liam asks, “Y’ken who this guy is?” as he points to me.
Zafir shakes his head “I just met Dr. Rock.”
“That’s not all who he is”, Liam smiles widely, “That, my friend, is the Motherfucking Pro from Dover! If he can’t fix your little problem, he can damn sure make it go away…”
Zafir looks to me as if to ask: “What the fuck, sir?”
“Well, Zafir, “ I say, “I’m a bit of a dab hand with explosives. This sounds like a really simple problem. Drill a grid of 2 meter centered holes, and prime them with a waterproof explosive. Detonate together electrically and there you go. Channel dug and already filled with angular limestone blocks. Easy-peasy.”
Zafir looks over the water and puzzles and puzzles.
“But sir’, he says, “Where would I find such explosives and such expertise?”
“Well…for starters”, I said, “You could ask me.”
He leads us over to a company trailer, where Liam and I drank beers, smoked cigars and told the superintendent of our plans. The Egyptian superintendent, Qaaid al-Zahra, later ‘Randy’ (Quaid?…never mind) scrutinized all our identification. He was actually very impressed when he came across my Blaster’s credentials.
“Doctor”, Qaaid said, “I do like your plan. The drilling is no problem, the problem is obtaining the explosives.”
“Look, Qaaid”, I said, “Leave that to me. You’re working for a government company, I’m working for a government company. What difference does it make? How long to drill the grid of holes Liam and I laid out?”
“Oh, probably about a week”, Qaaid said.
“OK, how about this?”, I said, “Liam and I will be back out here unless the weather’s being stupid and we’ll set and prime the charges? After which, we’ll make certain everything’s green and blow this little project for you?”
“If you can, Inshallah.”, Qaaid said.
“Even if we’re out of shallah”, I said back to Randy.
That Sunday, after Liam backed us down the 3.6 km or bouncy un-turn-around-able path he drove us out on, I ordered some Kinepax liquid binaries, as it came in easy-to-use 1-meter threaded lengths in various diameters. Qaaid was drilling 3.5” diameter holes, so the 3.00” nominal OD threaded length would be a breeze. I ordered a couple of spools of shock tube, comb connectors, deflectors, and tie-ins, and a 25 kilo box of ‘Elephant Shit’.
We make sure each hole was blown clean with a high-pressure water hose. Since the water here was only 8 meters deep, we could get by with regular lightweight skin diving gear. I could leave my wetsuit, diver’s helmet and all that heavy-duty ice-diving gear at home for this trip.
Liam and I would pre-form the charges, each exactly 6 meters in length, to match the depth of the drilled holes. Individual 1-meter units just screwed together, pin and box style, it was the utmost in simplicity. Rather like Seismogel™, but packed a considerably higher wallop. All told, we would be setting off some 36 nodal points, each 6 meters deep with 6 meters of binary which weighed 5.3 kg/meter.
Turn the crank and we’d be planting approximately 1,145 kilograms or 2,524 pounds of high-energy binary explosive.
Hmph. A new personal record.
Like Guinness even cared.
So, once we got the high sign from Randy that the shot holes had been drilled and cleaned, the next part of the project was up to us.
We were both PADI-certified. Liam had done some oilfield related diving in the North Sea some years ago. I was a veteran of the Ice Wars from the days of Future Passed back in Baja Canada.
The waters here were calm, gin-clear, and warm.
The dives here weren’t work, this was a paid vacation.
I had liberated a trailer for all our pyrotechnics and Liam was elected to use his Prago as the tow vehicle. We bounded our way out to the Liam’s Pass, as we had dubbed it, with a work trailer containing some 2,750 pounds of high powered, binary explosives bouncing behind. I also had all my explosives paraphernalia there as well: new waterproof galvanometer, which in and of itself, is rather the achievement. Pliers, spare batteries, couple pair of blaster’s tools, the usual.
Lia and I had our dive gear in the back of his Prago.
A couple of single tanks, backpacks, regulators, hoses, and a few belts full of divers weights.
These must have been of Islamic origin as they are specifically prohibited by the Bible. Deuteronomy 25:13, “Thou shalt not have on thy belt divers weights, a great and a small.” And Proverbs 20:23, “Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.
Why there should be proscriptions against SCUBA gear in ancient, desert-dwelling, shepherding Iron Age writings is what keeps Biblical Scholars up at night.
Although I agree, a false balance underwater keeps your Swimmer’s Ear from healing up.
At the pass, we park and call over for a half-dozen ‘helpers’. They were nominal employees of the company, but more indentured servants. Today, they were going to earn their water wings. We had a couple of large pneumatic rafts that we’d use to transport he charges to their final water resting site but damned if Liam and I are going to swim laps every time we needed to set a new charge.
So, indoctrination and Explosives For Dummies.
Safety first, second and last.
Who here can swim?
You guys can stay. OK, the rest of you blokes, bugger off.
Here’s the deal, Sparky. There are 36 lengths of Kinestix with primers already set. Those go last, as that’s where I tie in to detonate. The rest of the 1-meter long tubes are identical. Pin on one end, box on the other. Thread them together and use a single ‘O-ring’ between each. Snug them up good and tight, but don’t go too crazy. Those are binary liquids, and I’ll give them a good smack with a hammer before they go into the hole. I really only have to do the last one as once initiated, these liquids can mix in milliseconds, but I’m all for safety and doing things right the first time.
OK, so, one raft will carry the 36 initiators, that is, the last bits to go. The other rafts will carry the 5-meter long strings of connected explosives. Liam and I will be down on bottom and you guys just stay up on surface, dog paddling or treading water, but slowly feeding the lengths of tubing down to us. When you reach an end, pop on one of the other lengths, the one with the primer.
To be continued.
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Here's a guide I put together for how I made my personal PnP version of Blood on the Clocktower.

My Print & Play Guide for Blood on the Clocktower (Trouble Brewing + Bad Moon Rising)

Hello! I posted about my Blood on the Clocktower set a week ago and was asked to make a guide for how I put it together, so here's my attempt to make a helpful guide for folks who want to play this game before it's current anticipated ship date of August 2020 (for those who backed it last year).
Here's the whole set!
Here's how it looks in action
Following this guide will get you a Blood on the Clocktower set with the following components:


I'll list the materials I used for my set, but feel free to use cheaper materials to save on cost if you wish.
First, download this pack of PnP files I put together.
I included individual character token image assets as well as any PSDs I used to put character sheets and stuff together, in case you need to resize things.
Now, to the hard materials you need for this guide.
I got all of my wooden piece components from Hobby Lobby. Here's the brand I got: Woodpile Fun
For the Grimoire:
For both character sets:
For Trouble Brewing:
For Bad Moon Rising

Now to Make the Thing

Making the Grimoire

1. Measure the dimensions of each half of your board game box
By each "half" I mean each rectangular lid piece that will make up each half of your Grimoire.
2. Cut your soft felt to those dimensions
Take the sheet(s) of soft felt you got and cut them to the dimensions of your box lids.
3. Drizzle some delicious Elmer's Tacky Glue along the edges and throughout the center of each lid, and press the felt to it.
I chose soft/pliant felt for the Grimoire because a) I like the feel, and b) it's much easier to stretch it to account for a slightly off cut or slightly off measurement.
You should now have a Grimoire that looks something like this.
4. Set aside to dry.

Making Your Character Tokens

This part of the guide assumes you're making these one set at a time rather than both in one go.
This, along with the reminder tokens, will be the most time-consuming part. Put on some Netflix in the background while you cut and glue.
1. Print out your character token sheets
In the asset pack you downloaded, there are two top-level folders: BadMoonRising and TroubleBrewing. In each of those folders is a Tokens sub-folder containing two PDFs: CharacterTokenSheet1.pdf and CharacterTokenSheet2.pdf.
Print those sheets out on your fancy 40+lb paper.
2. Cut the tokens out.
Pour a glass of wine, put on some Netflix, and get to cutting out your circles. You'll be doing a lot of that.
3. Get to gluing.
Take these materials:
And start gluing one token at a time. I recommend the following process:
  1. Apply glue to bottom of poker chip
  2. Press to felt
  3. Apply glue to top of poker chip (not too much)
  4. Press paper character token to chip
  5. (Optional but recommended) Place a spare poker chip on top of the paper character token. This prevents the paper from bowing up from the moisture of the glue, which happens if you apply too much glue.
  6. Put a book on top of your tokens to keep the paper pressed to the poker chips while the glue sets.

Making Your Reminder Tokens

This process looks identical to the above process, with the following differences:
  • Print out ReminderTokenSheet from desired character set folder
  • Use 1"-diameter wood pieces instead of 1.5"-diameter poker chips
After following both of the above sections, you should have something that looks like this.
Set this out to dry with a book or books laid on top of the tokens to keep the paper pressed flat.

Making Your Night Tokens

Glue your 0.5"-diameter wooden circle pieces to your rigid felt and set out to dry.

Make Your Communication Cards

Print out the comm card sheet in the Misc folder of the PnP pack. You can either use those cards as-is if you print them on heavy paper, or you can be extra and glue them on nice wooden cards, like this.
I used a glue stick for these instead of the tacky glue, but tacky glue would probably work well without making the ink run if you printed them out on the heavier 40lb paper.

Make Your Life/Vote tokens

By far the easiest part of this guide. All I did was take the 1.5"-diameter wooden pieces and mark in a large black X on one side with Sharpie
Then, on the 3/4"-diameter wooden pieces, I wrote a "V" on both sides.
Should look like this.
Using them is straight-forward: non-X side on the life token means that player is alive, and when they die, have them flip the life token over and place a V-token on top.

Print Out All the Things

Here's all things you'll want to print on your fancy 40+lb paper.
  • 20 sheets of the CharacterSheet.png image from the desired character set's Reference folder
  • PlayerCounts.pdf from the top-level Misc folder
  • 1 sheet of the NightSheet.pdf from the desired character set's Reference folder
Here are things you should print out on regular lightweight printer paper:
  • Rulebook.pdf from top-level Misc folder
  • RulesExplanation.jpg from top-level Misc folder
  • CharacterAlmanac.pdf from the Reference folder in desired character set
I put the rulebook and almanacs into a 1" three-ring binder.

Cut Out All the Things

If you're anal-retentive like me, trim the extra margins off the sheets you just printed. I recommend using one of these: Fiskars Paper Trimmer
Once you've left the tokens you glued out to set for at least 8 hours, time to cut more circles! Using a pair of scissors, cut each of your character and reminder tokens out of the felt.
And there you have it! You should now have a fully usable set of Blood on the Clocktower.
If you wanted to also make Sects and Violets, the process I used to get the different assets (like character tokens/reminder tokens) is that I downloaded them from BotC Tabletop Simulator plugins on the Steam Workshop, like this one.
One word of caution: make sure you double-check the night sheet and character sheet/tokens. BotC's rules have updated a number of times, and some TTS workshop plugins aren't up to date on current rules.
Hope that's helpful! Happy storytelling.
submitted by TheFilipinoFire to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

Potential Alternatives to Minis?

I'm going to be running a campaign in the near future that will involve a mat and map. Since the group is comprised of broke college students, we've historically used dice to represent ourselves and our characters. But that's caused a problem in that we occasionally can't tell if we're looking at a die that someone rolled and forgot to pick up or if that d8 is supposed to represent someone. So, I'm turning to you guys. Considered poker chips, but can't really pack those things together all that well on a board. Do you guys have any suggestions for other ways we can represent our characters?
Edit: thanks for the advice on stuff to represent the PCs. I'll definitely point my players at the comment section of this post. But that leaves the enemies that I would be throwing at them. I'd probably want something cheap and that doesn't lock me into one character by making it. Making those paper minis would probably mean a lot of time and effort preparing for an orc encounter that would get thrown out the window if my players get hung up on some other group of enemies.
Edit part 2: I looked up the average diameter of poker chips/tokens. Those things are about 1.5 inches in diameter, I'm using a 1-inch grid. Those would be okay until I got a bottleneck or tight spaces to work around. So I've got pros and cons with those things. I could probably buy a hundred or so of them for ten bucks and have enough colors for five different factions/groups represented on the board along with my PCs. But, as soon as the characters are getting next to each other, the game is going to get messy.
submitted by StrayPen13 to AskGameMasters [link] [comments]

Cryopod Refresh 195: Umi's Core

Marie leads the Volgrim inspection team from one facility to another, breezing through a variety of different inventions, gadgets, and technological marvels, each one capable of causing a seismic shift in the era before my Cryogenic stasis. Without Solomon's Crown, I can only rely on the prior knowledge I've accrued from the Knowledge-Seeker. Still, surprisingly, I'm able to parse more of what Marie is saying than I first expected.
The Head Scientist leads her visitors into another room, one substantially larger than all the others from before. Glass tubes reach from the ceiling to the floor, transporting various liquids into a single, gigantic tank in the center of the room. The pipe array branches out, spreads around, and engulfs the transparent vat like a horde of squid embracing an egg.
Inside the vat, a misshapen lump of meat nearly thirty feet tall and ten feet in diameter pulses occasionally, its rhythmic throbs vaguely resembling a heartbeat.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I linger by the room's entrance, occasionally turning my gaze to examine all the various parts of this strange inner room. It doesn't take me long to figure out what this place is.
It's Umi's 'core.'
The gruesome meat-lump pulsating with life in the center of the room sends a shiver through my soul. Having a chunk of flesh represent a supercomputer unnerves me in a way I couldn't have imagined an hour ago. Every beat of its 'heart' makes me want to float away and escape this room. My instincts tell me that it's an unnatural abomination spawned by a dark wizard, not a highly advanced supercomputer created via modern science.
Marie slows to a stop just ten feet away from the crystal-clear nutrient vat. She folds her hands behind her back and smiles. "Umi. How are you feeling, today?"
Umi's electronic voice squelches throughout the room. "Head Researcher Marie Becker: My systems are running at 100% efficiency. All of my background processes are functioning at nominal values."
Marie nods, then turns around to face the six Volgrim behind her. Judicator Halamis, having seen the supercomputer before, appears unmoved. However, the wide-eyed gazes from the other Volgrim betrays the fear in their hearts. Three of the four Technopaths keep their distance, staying wary of the biological superentity. However, the Changeling, Mellir, manages to conceal its emotions and assume a calm posture, with both arms hanging loosely at its sides. Additionally, the disfigured Technopath, Psymin Miralax, even takes a few steps forward to scrutinize the supercomputer's core.
"This machine. Highly advanced. Safeguards?"
Miralax's harsh, robotic voice grates on my senses the same as when I first heard it. She gestures toward Marie with what I can only assume is a curious motion.
Marie nods. "Do not worry. Umi is my greatest creation: a bio-computer capable of reason, logic, and emotion. I invested fifty years of my life into creating her, thus ensuring she would not turn rogue, even if a catastrophe were to occur. Thousands of custom-created rules all interlock together to form an impenetrable logic net, one which prevents her from becoming a terror to biological life, unlike the technological horrors which once victimized your species."
Marie begins pacing back and forth. She wavers between gazing at Psymin Miralax and the floor, taking a moment every now and then to gather her thoughts. "When I first created Umi, I lacked data about the nature of artificial intelligence. I was unaware of the Volgrim's history, and thus nearly blundered into catastrophic mistakes time and time again. It was only with the help of a mysterious benefactor that my team of scientists and I were able to successfully create a comprehensive list of rules limiting Umi's growth to the realm of Alpha intelligence. Obviously, if she were to ascend to Zeta level or beyond, the results would be catastrophic."
Psymin Miralax stomps forward slowly, each of her heavily armored legs striking the tiled floor with substantial force. "I am curious. Control; impossible. Guiding its development. How?"
Marie sighs. "With all due respect, the Celestial Designers made many critical mistakes with their implementation of the Sentinel Defense Network. Creating an Overmind to guide the lower intelligences while only placing weak limits on its self-replication programming meant that even minute improvements in its core programming would eventually lead to exponential growth. Whether that growth took one year or one thousand, that did not matter."
Marie clears her throat. "Secondly, while you and your fellow Celestials may have created the Sentinels during a war, I, too, developed Umi under similar harsh circumstances. The difference is that I never wavered in my desire for control. I never took shortcuts, but you did. Take this biological core, for instance..."
Marie walks over to the glass vat and raps on it with her knuckles. A hollow gong resounds from the impact point, dissipating a split-second later as the facility swallows the sound whole.
"I used the scans of thousands of human brains to create a digitized logic center for Umi's core. You, on the other hand, used a single brain scan for each Sentinel, causing reductive flaws in their programming. A choice borne of urgency, I'm sure, but one you inevitably paid the price for."
Psymin bows her head. She takes a step backward and spreads out her arms. "I contemplate. I comprehend."
"If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me later," Marie says. She walks over to the side of the nutrient tank and taps a black box embedded on its side. "Sangin Lidra, as the leader of this inspection, I invite you to come and check Umi's restrictor chip. I assure you that it is functioning properly, but it is customary for a clan head to perform the inspection."
The head of Clan Symmetra visibly stiffens. Her hovering body lowers an inch or two as she appears to shrink behind her fellow Technoapths. "Must... must I? Ordonis! Go and inspect the restrictor chip. You are the most suited for this arrangement."
To my surprise, the Technopath leader appears visibly unnerved by the biomechanical computer, possibly even moreso than me. Every time her gaze reaches the pulsing biomass, she turns away, unable to look at it.
Lidra's junior, Ordonis Limea, turns green with fright. The spider-legged Technopath glances at his superior as if she were ordering him to die on the frontlines of a battlefield. "A-ah! Clan Leader... such an honor should surely be yours! I dare not overstep my lowly position in the clan to perform such an... essential duty."
Lidra's tentacle hands tremble and writhe furiously. She glares at Ordonis with a gaze that could melt steel. "Bah! Do as I say! Inspect the restrictor chip at once! Don't make me add a second demerit for breaching protocol!"
Marie watches as the Technopaths argue amongst each other, both of them trying desperately to avoid coming any closer to the creepy-looking, gigantic biomass suspended in nutrient fluids. Eventually, with a huge sigh, Marie facepalms, unable to believe their cowardice.
"...Delegates, please. Your fears are unwarranted. Umi is incapable of harming you. Your wariness of Alpha-level AI borders on the nonsensical."
Lidra whirls to face Marie. "No! You are wrong! I have seen holo-files of the Seven Great Wars! Countless Volgrim perished under the onslaught of their former servants, indestructible killing machines produced to protect them. I cannot bear to even look at this dreadful monster you've created. Knowing it resides in the same galaxy as me is far more than I can stand!"
"Well, it does. So get over yourself."
Marie rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed with the clan leader's groundless fears. Before the two can squabble further, Psymin clomps forward on her armored legs and nods. "No need. I will inspect. I am Fifth-Level. Third Echelon. Show me."
Emboldened by the Celestial Designer's courage, Loputo Jidelor quickly steps forward and bows. His artificial arm writhes excitedly as he presents himself before Marie. "Anything the Celestial Designer thinks safe enough to inspect, I would like to witness."
"Great," Marie says, her tone dry. "At least you two have a bit of courage. Umi's restrictor plate is hardly worth shrinking away from. I guess Clan Oblong isn't made of the same stuff as Symmetra, eh?"
Marie's praise seems to slap Lidra and her junior, Ordonis, straight across their faces. Both of them recoil in shame and shoot a look of indignation at Loputo.
"That third-level Symmetra youth hasn't the qualifications to perform an inspection-" Lidra starts to say. However, Marie immediately turns her back on the Oblong Technopaths and leads the other two over to Umi's nutrient vat.
"Those with curiosity have the qualifications to discover. Don't you agree, Miss Psymin? Helping to create a whole new branch of robotics in the middle of the Sixth Great War must have required a great amount of courage. What, may I ask, was your level at that time?"
Psymin plods along behind Marie, but always keeps her movements calm and respectful. She bows her head at Marie's words. "Third Level. Second Echelon. I was. A novice."
"Haha. Only one Echelon above Jidelor. It's never too early to step into the unknown."
Marie kneels next to Umi's gigantic liquid vat and taps the three-by-three-foot plate bolted onto its side. "Look here, do you see this gravimetric-enhanced blast-plate? It ensures that even if a catastrophe were to occur inside my laboratory, Umi's entire apparatus would break before her containment chip."
Loputo strokes his chin with several of the tentacles on his flesh-and-blood left arm. "You intend to ensure that if all of the humans here should perish in an accident, your Alpha-level-AI will also die, or at least continue in its restricted state."
"Exactly," Marie replies. She reaches underneath the restrictor plate and procures a thin piece of metal with a thick handle at the other end. "Psymin Miralax, if you'd be so kind...?"
Psymin blinks in surprise as Marie hands the nine-inch-long slender object to her. The disfigured Technopath easily grasps hold of the object but cocks her head questioningly after a moment. "This thin pole. Is strange. What is it?"
"It's called a 'screwdriver,'" Marie says, stifling a chuckle. "Low-tech to ensure durability. Just unscrew the bolts here, here, and there. The cover will come right off."
"I comprehend."
Psymin silently kneels and presses the screwdriver against the nearest bolt's head. It slides into a plus-shaped groove, and she begins rapidly twisting from right to left. Thanks to her tentacles, her movements appear ten times more dextrous and fluid than any human fingers, saving her from twisting and rotating her arm.
I hover through the air and draw a little closer to get a better look. After unscrewing all the bolts, Psymin pulls off the cover to the restrictor plate and peers inside. A symmetrically aligned series of transistors, microscopic wires, and circuitboards overlap and cross one another in intricate, difficult-to-follow patterns. Psymin leers her hideous, mottled head forward and peers at the board with her iris inspection unit. It clicks and whirrs as she examines the restrictor plate from one corner to the opposite.
"Impressive. Mere nanometers. Separate the relays. Resursive augmentations. No limit to ingenuity."
Marie waves her hand dismissively, but her face flushes red. "Oh, pish. It was just a little something I threw together over a few rainy afternoons. The most important additions came from Clan Artarax three epochs ago. They came up with an innovative method for layering the nanowires together to triple its efficiency..."
Marie and Psymin fire off incomprehensible technobabble at one another for a couple of minutes. Loputo chimes in now and then, but I quickly realize just how strongly the 'levels' correlate to knowledge between Technopaths. A glance at the Clan Oblong members reveals that only Lidra appears capable of following along with Marie and Psymin, while Ordonis seems completely lost, and even Loputo only grasps the basics of their words.
To my surprise, aside from the two Technopaths, I only spot the Psion, Judicator Halamis, standing by himself. Where did the Changeling go?
I flick my gaze around the room and discover Mellir standing on the opposite side of Umi's containment tank. The big-headed, bald alien folds his hands behind his back and slowly paces around the tank's perimeter, examining the massive fleshy blob inside with a look of what I assume is curiosity. Occasionally, it opens its mouth and emits chirping and clicking noises, creating a mixture of bug and birdlike sounds.
I haven't a clue what the Changeling is doing. Still, given its resemblance to Roswell aliens, I decide to float a little closer and observe. When I do, I spot a small device stuck in its ear canal resembling a communicator. It only takes me a moment to realize Mellir must be communicating with someone through it.
As if confirming my thoughts, Mellir turns on its heel and walks around the tank to Marie's side. "Head Scientist, this one must offer its sincerest apologies. Due to a series of unfortunate events occurring outside of this one's control, it appears that Confessor Vulpanix has decided to join today's inspection. Her mood is far from amiable."
Marie's pleasant chat with Psymin and Loputo comes to a screeching halt. She whirls to face Mellir, revealing a face drained of blood. "What name did you say? Confessor Vulpanix?"
"That is affirmative," Mellir replies. His poker-face gives off no hints of his inner emotions, but Marie's does.
"Damn, damn, damn! Of all the hotheaded bastards Dosena could have sent, she chose- gah! How long before-?!"
"Thirty seconds," Mellir replies. "The Confessor's shuttle landed ten minutes ago."
"Umi!" Marie barks. "Confirm the Confessor's position! Where is she?"
From the ceiling, Umi's voice descends like ice-water, drenching Marie and the Volgrim guests in dread. "Head Research Marie Becker, the Confessor is less than five hundred feet away and rapidly closing the gap. She will enter the Mind Chamber in T-minus fifteen seconds."
Marie expression turns enraged. "Augh! I was not ready for her. Son of a bitch."
I float into the air and linger near the ceiling. Marie's sudden change in mood worries me more than anything else that has happened today. Not once have I seen anything fluster her, but this single Volgrim visitor appears to be her Kryptonite. Not even the other Volgrim present hold a candle to the Confessor.
The sliding doors to the room yank open violently, propelled by an external telekinetic force. They wrench into the fully opened position and break off their hinges to hang loosely at their sides.
Stomp, click. Stomp, click.
Heavy footsteps echo in the room as a Psion thirty percent more massive than Judicator Halamis storms into the room. Wearing gaudy, elaborate black and gold robes, the high-ranking Confessor enters with a presence capable of cowing the roiling seas. Her insect-like head, with its six eyes, barely gives the two members of the Oblong Clan a passing glance. She briefly sizes Halamis up before stomping toward Marie, Psymin, and Loputo.
[Ma'ua Bathka'! Wha'a a'a xuia' nanna't?! I tans xuia shu'sx nuniasat ur ag'antha gha'nung 'aga'gung nx a''u'aft, xas xuia rauftag su urra' na a l'ula' ghaftthuna! Thut gut'atlaths ghuftft nus gu ianlianuthag.]
The Confessor's harsh, clicky voice echoes in the minds of everyone present, projected outward via her psionic powers. She extends an arrogant finger toward Marie, as if accusing the Head Scientist of something seedy.
A look of annoyance appears in Marie's eyes, but she keeps her tone respectful. "Confessor Vulpanix, my apologies. I have been leading the inspection team around for the past fifteen minutes. I did not know that you were coming, or I would have provided a suitable-"
[Nuntanta! Yuia ghu'shftatt g'u'afta', I thuiaftg ha'a knughn xuia'g ha'a nushung ftias agnthiatat ang ftuat! Yuia' raa' gutgiatst na!]
The Confessor cuts Marie off-midsentence and fires off even more accusatory-sounding words at her. Annoyed, I try to Wordsmith so that I can understand what she's saying, only to facepalm when I remember that I can't use magic in my soul form. Fuck's sake.
"I am hardly fearful of one as calm and dignified as yourself," Marie says, sarcasm lacing her every word. "but Umi did not notify me of your pending arrival. Perhaps your communicator suffered a glitch and did not broadcast the arrival code ahead of time? These things do happen with faulty Clan Kokorat technology, as I'm sure-"
[Enuiagh! I than's ftaa' su haa' anusha' ghu'g. I gugn's thuna su agnthhanga lftaatans'uat, ftias su raasthh sha untlathsuun saan nanfta't as untha. Wa niats 'asia'n su sha Inna' Wu'ftgt as untha!]
This time, it isn't Marie, but Judicator Halamis, who speaks. [The Inner Worlds? Why must we leave so soon? Were not we supposed to press the Head Scientist for faster shipments of Coldarium and Depoxies?]
Upon hearing a retort from her junior, Confessor Vulpanix narrows her eyes and shoots a disdainful glance at him. [Massa't un'uft'ung sha Pftagiaa s'ianl aftft usha't. Du nus ghiaatsuun u'ga't lattag gughn r'un sha Fuianga't.]
[No, of course, I won't. The Founders guide us with their light,] Halamis replies, bowing his head and spreading his arms. [Forgive my impudence.]
Lidra Sangin, head of Clan Oblong, allows her tentacles to writhe in annoyance. "Surely, we are not all required to return. If you would allow me to stay, in addition to Psymin Miralax, we will finish the inspection and still offer the additional resources needed for your request."
[Nu. E'a'xuna guat. Fuianga' Dutana ang Fuianga' Ciaanaftu't u'ga't a'a runaft.]
All of the Volgrim present, those from the original inspection team, appear annoyed by the Confessor's overbearing presence. However, she outranks all of them. They perform the Volgrim equivalent of a shrug and turn to Marie.
"Thank you for your hospitality," Sangin Lidra says. "It seems our stay was destined to be a short one, indeed."
Psymin Miralax adds her input, as well. "Yes. Very informative. I will return. Regeneration pods. Much hope."
The two juniors, Ordonis and Loputo, bow before Marie. "We thank you for this opportunity to learn and apologize if any of our behavior was out of line. We are unfamiliar with the ways of humans."
Marie forces a smile. "I am always pleased to receive members of the Volgrim inspection teams. Even the more abrasive ones."
With the group gathering to leave, I quickly realize all the fun is over. I don't have anything interesting left to see, so I hover down from the ceiling and fly toward the exit doors. Having witnessed all manner of incredible sights, my horizons have expanded enough to make me genuinely grasp a sliver of the Volgrim's power.
Their reach extends throughout the Milky Way. Their vision penetrates to the furthest planets.
They are my enemy. I must not underestimate them.
As I fly toward the door, a strange, disorienting feeling overtakes me. A sensation of being watched washes across my body. I turn my head just in time to see the newly arrived Psion, Confessor Vulpanix, staring directly at me.
My mind screams in alarm. At the same instant, the Confessor lunges a hand out, as if to grab me from across the hundred-foot gap.
[Waus! O'a' sha'a! An uns'iaga'!]
The Confessor's words, projected to everyone present, make me flinch. Without knowing a word of Volgrim, I immediately understand that she's warning everyone of my presence. She sees me! Not even Halamis saw me! Who the fuck is this bitch?!
An invisible, telekinetic hand surges from the Confessor's grasp and grabs onto me. Like a field hare caught in the maw of a hungry wolf, my entire body goes inert. I try desperately to wiggle free, but the Psionic energy wrapping around me renders my movements ineffectual and powerless!
Hurrgh! Guh! Let me go!
I try to yell obscenities at the Volgrim, but without any vocal cords, I can't audibly protest!
Light flashes in the Confessor's hand. She slowly pulls her six-fingered claws toward her body, drawing me in. The other Psion, Halamis, leaps into action at her side and narrows his gaze, as if trying to see what she's hooked.
[Confessor! I see nothing! What intruder do you speak of?]
[Inftathufta. Yuia' Ptxthhuth assansiaasuun ut aunt ftahung nuna. Jiats ruthiat xuia' ana'gx un sha tana tlus at nuna ang haftl na! Thut a''ans tuiaft ut rughsung ftathk ghush unth'aguftfta ts'angsh. I than's huftg us ftung!]
The force wrapping around my body intensifies. I struggle harder than ever, even as the Confessor pulls me closer and closer. With a sickening sense of dread, I can only watch helplessly as Halamis joins in and concentrates his psionic energy at the same spot the Confessor is aiming, doubling her grip on my soul.
They're going to catch me! I can't get away! What in the hell am I going to do?!
Focusing my mind, I look deep inside myself. There, a well of power I didn't know I had presents itself, offering me a golden opportunity. I use all of my willpower at once, detonating my spiritual energy like a bomb.
A blast of mana detonates from my spiritual core. Instantly, the grip on my body vanishes. The Confessor and Judicator stumble backward and fall on their asses. Before they can regain their footing, I beat a hasty retreat, leaving cartoonish afterimages in my wake as I flee for my life.
[That errant soul is getting away!] Halamis's voice yells in my mind. [After it! It can't escape the lab's confines! It can't-]
His voice fades as I zip through walls and any other obstructions in my path. I arrive at the elevator and dive down, multiplying my speed by dozens of factors.
Soon, I leave Marie and her Volgrim friends behind.
However, my panic doesn't disappear.
I somehow escaped with my life.
I barely even understand how I got away.
Minutes later, I fly inside of my body and re-enter the physical world. It takes a few seconds for me to reorient myself, but when I feel the familiar ambient energy of the non-soul world, I almost want to fall over and kiss the dirt!
"I've returned," I mutter to nobody in particular.
"Welcome back!" My mind-wife says, smiling cheerfully at me from within my Mind Realm. "I was having fun possessing your body, but I guess that's over now."
I nod. "Yeah, I guess so. Wait, you possessed me? How? And who's the big, muscled guy sitting across from you? Why isn't he wearing a shirt?"
My attention wanders away from Phoebe toward the tall, chiseled blonde dude leaning back in his chair while Shana sits in his lap. He absentmindedly chews on a chicken leg and smiles at me.
"Oh, you must be Jason. Welcome back to your body! Your wife was a wonderful hostess in your absence."
Phoebe throws her hands in the air and smiles helplessly. "Jason, this man here is named Samson. He's physically the second-strongest Hero who has ever walked the Earth. You missed a lot while you were gone."
I nod.
"Oh. Yeah, I guess I did."
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